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Raid: The Crystal Palace

A Carnax battleship has crashed into Phobos, infecting the moon with a strange crystalline species. They are building a vast fortress deep within it, incubating a massive threat. The Carnax are attempting to locate the ship and exploit the hive’s resources. Both species must be stopped.  


Players must navigate the debris around the crashed Rex Infernus battleship and carefully traverse the wreckage, avoiding unstable structures, platforming across perilous debris, and dodging volatile energy leaks as they find a way to board the vessel. Once atop the ship, hostile Carnax forces will attempt to repel their advances. Once they have all been defeated, a section of the deck will collapse allowing entry into the vessel below.  

Boarding Party

After entering the ship, players must navigate its interior maze by locating several locked doors and delivering power to them. One of several doors will be activated but not have enough power to open, opening and closing slightly. Players must locate a loose power cell in the halls and transport it to a power receptacle which activates the door.   After a player picks up a power cell, they gain a bebuff called Static Charge with a 60 second timer. At the end of the timer, the core will erupt and kill the player holding it unless the charge is deposited in time. Once a cell has been picked up, it cannot be dropped. After depositing the cell, the Static Charge debuff will disappear and be replaced by the Static Discharge debuff which disallows the player from picking up another power cell for 90 seconds.   A series of lights will illuminate along the ceiling indicating the encounter time remaining before the hallways are purged, killing all players. Each time a power cell is deposited however, the timer will reset.   Once four power cells have been deposited, the encounter completes and the exit opens.  

Out of the Frying Pan

Players must navigate hallways and tunnels of the damaged ship. This maze is long but not time sensitive and has minimal combat.  

Into the Fire

The massive hangar of the Rex Infernus is filled with chaos as the Carnax fight off an unknown force which turns out to be the The Shatter. Between a fleet of Carnax Vehicles, players must eliminate both the Carnax forces and destroy a Shatter blockade, allowing for access into the rest of the hive.   A large Shatter creature stands at the front of the hanger, battling smaller Carnax forces. It has immense damage reduction and takes little health loss. It moves around the arena attacking and creating areas of denial. Every so often, the creature will unleash a large blast of energy in the area, destroying anything nearby. Carnax troops are constantly spawning to assist in the battle.   Eight large defensive turrets will be stationed around the arena. These must be cleared of enemies, then powered on with power cells located elsewhere. The same mechanics apply as previously, granting debuffs each time they are picked up or deposited. Once a turret is activated, it can be used on the Shatter beast to deal damage to it before losing its power charge and deactivating.   The Shatter beast will move to a nearby turret and eventually destroy it. If all turrets are destroyed, the beast will move to the center of the arena and begin to power up, eventually unleashing a blast that will kill everything in the hangar including the players. It must be defeated by attacking with the turrets quickly.  

Enter the Hive

Once the hangar has been cleared, players can descend into the caverns the Shatter have created under the ship. Inside, they will need to navigate more corridors and chambers, fending off Shatter creatures along the way. Several chambers will have explosive Shatter crystals located around them which much be found and destroyed to open up further parts of the hive. Once all rooms have been cleared and players have advanced deep enough, they will come to a jumping puzzle.  

Deeper and Deeper

The Maw is a massive chasm of razor sharp crystals. Players must navigate the treacherous descent of steep cliffs and sharp, unstable platforms to navigate to the bottom while dodging falling rocks and destabilizing steps.  

Boundless Treasure, Untold Danger

Once the bottom of the cavern has been reached, players will find the Razor Cathedral, a beautiful and huge structure containing the final encounter.   Inside, a massive Colossus stands in the middle of the arena surrounded by three even larger crystal pillars. The Colossus is immune to all damage and surrounded by Shatter allies. Players will need to contend with invading Carnax forces as well as Shatter guardians while facing off against the Colossus.   Carnax forces will invade the room in groups, carrying a large explosive device towards one of the pillars. Players must fight off the Shatter forces attempting to destroy these devices as well as other Carnax attacking them. Once the device has been delivered, players will then need to eliminate all of the Carnax surrounding it, then locate a powerful Carnax warrior carrying a power cell. The power cell needs to be delivered to the bomb to destroy one of the pillars. This process needs to be repeated three times to make the Colossus vulnerable to attack for a limited time. After a short period, the three spires will reform and the colossus will once again become invulnerable.   If the bombs are destroyed en route to the pillars, players will need to wait until another bomb spawns and is delivered before defeating all of the Carnax. The Colossus allows for four damage phases before it destroys the entire arena.