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Proficiency is a statistic tracked for every classification of equipment. Different armorand types will have different proficiencies. Increasing a piece of gear’s individual proficiency value will reward players for using specific equipment by increasing their effectiveness with it over time. This includes weapons, armor, grenades, and consumables.   This system allows players to earn proficiency points in specific weapons or armor types, which can be spent to unlock unique abilities or bonuses for using those weapons or armor. Minimum Proficiency levels are required for many pieces of gear, however the more proficient a player is with a specific type of item or equipment, the better it will perform. High proficiencies receive bonus attributes such as increased damage or accuracy, or cheaper repair costs.   Proficiency is earned by defeating enemies with weapons, taking damage with armor, and the number of uses of specific items. Proficiency levels increase at 100% then reset back to zero. Base Proficiency gain for weapons is 5% per kill. Base armor Proficiency gain is based on the percentage of durability loss each piece accrues over time. The base Proficiency level increase for items is 10% per use.  

Upgrade Trees & Mastery

The selected path of Skills and Abilities chosen from levelling up.  


Individual attributes and Talents. Next to each Attribute is a meter with 50 sections each and their current distribution points based on earned Attribute Points and what players have chosen to invest into. Selecting an Attribute will expand it, showing not only its overall points but what the specific Attribute affects and its current potency.