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Weight & Load

Players have several mobility skills at their disposal. In addition to standard walking and jumping, they can also activate a sprint, can mantle onto ledges, activate Thrusters to hover and fly, and can activate a dodge for quick directional movements. All of these movement abilities are affected by weight and a player's current Load versus Maximum Load.  


Load is the weight system in NEXUS. Every item has a designated Weight statistic which contributes to a player's overall Load if carried in their Inventory. If a player is overburdened by too much Weight and exceeds their Maximum Load from the sum of their equipment and carried loot, they incur increasingly severe penalties. This makes deciding what items to pick up and carry a constant strategic choice.   Maximum Load is a static amount for all players, however it can be modified by the Strength Attribute and certain Skills, as well as temporarily by Consumables.   As soon as the player surpases their Maximum Load from Inventory weight, they gain one of two Load debuffs statuses: Overloaded and Severe Overload. Either status causes restrictions to movement as well as an increase in Battery‌ drain rate.  


Overload is acquired from any amount of weight exceeding Maxiumum Load. Once Overloaded, player's Thruster and dodge recharge speed, jump height, walking pace as well as sprint speed are all affected and reduced.  

Severe Overload

Severe Overload is gained from carrying a combined weight of 130% Maximum Load. Penalties for this are much more severe than standard Overload and have a compounding effect for every 10% above 30% of the player's Maximum Load stat.