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Combat and Exploration are improved with the Thruster mechanic, allowing players to float during jumps and even take flight for a short period. Players can perform surprising acrobatic maneuvers, however they will suffer fall damage from high enough falls.   Fall damage is based on fall distance and velocity. Players can fall up to 10 meters at terminal velocity before incurring damage to any shielding before Health. Fall damage scales from here, as higher distances and higher velocities cause more damage. However, players can mitigate their velocity by using their Thrusters.   Falls that damage enough to break a player’s Overshield and begin to damage HP will also Stagger upon landing. If the fall damages enough to remove at least 50% of their maximum HP, they become Stunned instead.   Generally, players are able to recover after taking fall damage as there is no fall that can prove fatal. Certain falls can cause severe damage, but at a maximum high and velocity, players still retain 1 HP at minimum. If the altitude is high enough, a brief alert will sound indicating the player must take immediate action to prevent severe damage.   Thruster Energy Thrusters have a meter that displays how much energy is available. It regenerates over time automatically.   


With the appropriate input, Thrusters can be activated for a quick burst of energy to perform a Dodge in any direction. Doing so utilizes a portion of the player's Thruster energy and cannot be activated again for several seconds as indicated by an icon next to the Thruster meter.