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2024 SC Formation Finalists

I was very excited at another opporunity to sponsor a prompt this year, though I must admit I was a little nervous because military formations are certainly not my area of expertise. But first and foremost, as I would with any other prompt, I looked for creative responses--touching stories, mysteries that make me want to read more, and clever ideas I wish I had come up with myself.
I use a bracket system to judge. This helps me keep my sanity by focusing on two articles at a time. And though it does mean a roll of the dice could have given me a slightly different finalists bracket, I am confident the winner could have come out on top no matter what. During Summer Camp, I lurked amongst these articles, only commenting if I noticed particularly confusing sentences or formatting errors to give the writers a chance to fix them before judging began. Then I used a random number generator to place all the competing articles into 16 brackets. The winner of each bracket went into a finalists bracket, and from there, a first place was chosen.
I believe there were 237 articles for me to judge this year! And I noticed some trends I felt like sharing with you:
  • No less than eight articles were specifically about libraries or archives. I didn't expect this many librarians lurking in your formations, but looking back on it, I feel like I should have.
  • The dominant color among the articles seemed to be green. I didn't actually count these, but the greens seemed a lot more prominant than other colors.
  • The vast majority of people interpreted "guard" as meaning "protect." The number of people who wrote about groups more along the lines of prisonguards were in the single digits.
  • Finally, with so many elite formations, I particularly enjoyed running across the small number of articles about shlubs who had a job to do and were only in it for the paycheck.

And the Winner is...

Reading The Flower Guard literally gave me the shivers. I love how Paul Norris managed to twist the prompt so that literally, the Flower Guard protects nothing, but because of the cultural significance of the flower the princess found, they metaphorically protect everything. The article does double-duty with this by opening with a quote claiming that if The Flower Guard falls, the castle will fall, and only explaining that the significance of this quote at the end, thus providing a bait-and-switch in a good way.

The Finalists (AKA The Shortlist)

These were really tough to judge, and several times, I had to go away and come back because I just couldn't decide. But I finally decided the articles below were the best of their brackets. They include some ideas I wish I had come up with myself (but probably never would have) and some that I think deserve a lot more love than they've gotten.
Wrought Watch
Military Formation | Jul 19, 2024

Policing our industrious people is a heavy burden, certainly not one to be taken lightly! However, this city would be better off without the Stains dragging the rest of us down.

World Smithy's article is thoroughly written, painting a grim picture of an all too realistic police force that is tainted by corruption and all to often harms the most vulnerable of their society, rather than protecting them.
Military Formation | Jul 8, 2024
I have to admit, I'm a sucker for steampunk aesthetics and trains. Rumengol's article quickly painted a picture of a tense setting and made me sympathetic toward Matthias, the railroader mentioned in the opening scene.
The Cheeseguard
Military Formation | Jul 11, 2024

A largely ceremonial group that guard the cheese caves of Keld from would-be thieves.

Simply put, Serukis was the only Anvilite to write about guarding cheese. I enjoyed the unique take on the prompt, as well as the way the position of the Cheeseguard looked different at different points in history.
Since I don't know most folks' pronouns, I tried to use they/them for everybody. If I messed up, of if you're in here and would prefer other pronouns, let me know, and I will change it!
And these are some articles that stood out to me for one reason or another, even if they got beaten in their individual brackets (aka...  

The Longlist

    Also, Tajh1r wasn't competing, but I enjoyed reading about their Elysian Guard who are chosen, rather than recruited, and feel this article could use some more love too <3
Cassio Guards
Military Formation | Aug 3, 2024

The Cassio Guards are a unit of beautiful but dangerous avians who guard the Temple of the All Father and the goddess Yulasta

One of the few articles with a unit made up of (non-sapient) animals, as well as one of the least expected, TLCassis had me laughing at the sheer insanity of training wild birds to protect the local temples.
The Shrine Guard
Military Formation | Aug 19, 2024
Simple put, I found Thereasonwhy's prose beautiful to read. They also included their own artwork, which always impressed me.
The Bala'orasian Foreign Affairs Bureau
Military Formation | Aug 23, 2024
Machiavelli3060 took one of the most unique takes on the formation prompt, creating not a military, but a beaurocracy who protect their people not with weapons, but propaganda (and dragon-shaped kites).
Briard Brigade
Military Formation | Jul 13, 2024
Perhaps the cutest response to this prompt, Moonlight Bard's article makes me want to move right into the world.
The Underling Shield Formation
Military Formation | Jul 27, 2024
I really enjoyed the 1st person narrative style WantedHero chose to write their article in. Very different from the wikipedia-like entries that I myself typically use, it still gets across all the salient details of both the unit and the world at large.
The Dozen Roses
Military Formation | Aug 3, 2024
On the opposite end of the spectrum from Moonlight Bard's article, Endrise's is terrifying to read. And that is the very reason it stuck with me.
Silent Wardens
Military Formation | Jul 8, 2024

Two mysterious warriors posted outside the Council Hall in Druvenia

At first glance, Shaaman's article is reminiscent of the King's Guard in England--not talking, not moving, except for their duties. But unlike the King's Guard, no one is quite sure who (or what) they are.
Military Formation | Jul 15, 2024

WILLOWISP'S Specialized Tactical Team

Wordigirl's article sticks to a given theme, with "spikes" and "spines" that make up the Cacti formation. (And for those familiar with her world, they are also responsbile for literally guarding "Someone.")
The Guard Swarm
Military Formation | Aug 3, 2024

When an exploring swarm meets a pair of humans who seem to be in danger, it makes an executive decision to help them find safety.

Like WantedHero, I enjoyed The Big G's narrative style for their article. With the alternations between 3rd person POV and the swarm's report, the cultural differences make this group particularly interesting.
Egg workers
Military Formation | Jul 9, 2024
I'll admit, reading this one made me realize that I had I gotten around to answering this prompt myself, I could have written about teachers. In short, I was touched that jylietz chose to write about a group that protected children.
Kitchenalia Brigade
Military Formation | Jul 23, 2024
SableAradia's connection to the Game of Tomes made this article a fun romp. It also hit a little too close to home, seeing as I'm not alwasy good at self-care myself.
The Autumnrise Guard: Ratcatchers
Military Formation | Jul 13, 2024
A third article written in narrative (anyone starting to notice a pattern?), I really enjoyed reading drunkenpanda951's story, which I feel wound up and delivered perfectly on its ending.

Cover image: by Molly Mar


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Aug 24, 2024 14:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Some great picks for your shortlist (and also me, thank you so much ;-; ). I don't envy anyone who is judging this year - everyone is so talented! <3

Aug 24, 2024 18:43 by Marjorie Ariel

It was soooooooooo hard! There was not a bad article.