History of Niervalin

Age of Creation

50000 1

Rise of Civilization

1 4000

Age of Arcania

4001 7593

  • 1255 AR

    27 Kipofaun

    The Founding of the Carian Society

    The foundation of what is known today as the Carian Society.

  • 1273 AR

    19 Imeradie

    Birth of Relidon Elanan
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Relidon Elenan

    Thel Nalor
  • 1294 AR

    The Death of Tunarc Khan Carian
    Life, Death

    Tunarc Khan Carian was killed in the Battle of Aeriopolis.

  • 1678 AR

    The Founding of Dun Loereg

    More reading
    Dun Loereg
    Additional timelines
  • 2148 AR

    8 Tellemessi

    Death of Relidon Elanan
    Life, Death

    The death of Relidon Elenan

  • 2275 AR

    The Founding of Rákyoi

    The founding of the Drow city of Rákyoi in the Underdark

    More reading
  • 2489 AR

    The Birth of Eidlevayth
    Life, Birth

    Eidlevayth, who will eventually be known as Eidlevayth the Black Sky, is born.

    Black Dragon
  • 2532 AR

    The Sacking of Illiniza
    Disaster / Destruction

    Additional timelines
  • 2912 AR

    3593 AR

    The Imprisonment of Eidlevayth

    The Dragon Eidlevayth is imprisoned in the Shadowfell.

    Black Dragon
  • 3593 AR

    The Fall of Thel Nalor
    Disaster / Destruction

    The dragon Eidlevayth destroys the city of Thel Nalor. The Age of Black Sky begins.

    Thel Nalor

The Age of Black Sky

7593 8000

  • 1 ABS

    The Fall of Thel Nalor
    Disaster / Destruction

    The dragon Eidlevayth destroys the city of Thel Nalor. The Age of Black Sky begins.

    Thel Nalor
  • 23 ABS

    The Death of Eidlevayth
    Life, Death

    Eidlevayth is slain. The repercussions of his conquests continues to plague the world for centuries.

  • 60 ABS

    13 Maralas

    The Founding of Eriadite

    The founding of the Eridite Empire by Emperor

  • 279 ABS

    23 Filifol

    The Birth of Ithrir Razorwing
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Ithrir Razorwing

New Dawn

8000 and beyond

  • 48 ND

    The Founding of Lunamaeg

    The Founding of the Kingdom of Lunamaeg, founded by King Lunargis Dyndaethnas I.

    Additional timelines
  • 81 ND

    25 Aichsol

    The Unification of Leonia

    The four great city states of Leonia unify under a single government.

  • 233 ND

    7 Imeradie

    The Founding of Geluregnum

    On this day, our great King, Ithrir Razorwing, founded the Empire of Geluregnum!

    White Dragon
  • 376 ND

    25 Aichsol

    The Founding of the Gelualbus Assembly

    The founding of the Gelualbus Assembly

  • 423 ND

    The Founding of the Under Cairn

    The founding of the group of assassins known as the Under Cairn

  • 1416 ND

    14 Telohaim

    The Joining of Lyndis and Elencia

  • 1563 ND

    4 Aichsol

    The Birth of King Eshbaal Dyndaethnas IV
    Life, Birth

    Prince Eshbaal Dyndaethnas IV is born.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 1565 ND

    21 Imeradie
    1566 ND

    12 Maralas

    The One Year War
    Military: War

    Geluregnum's expansionist behavior forces Lunamaeg to attempt to intervene.

    Additional timelines
  • 1566 ND

    12 Maralas

    The Treaty of Kybal
    Diplomatic action

    Geluregnum and Lunamaeg sue for peace following the surrender of the western fold of the Geluregnum territory, ending the conflict. A Non Agression Pact has been signed to hold effect legally until 1612 ND.

    Additional timelines
  • 1584 ND

    7 Imeradie

    The Rise of King Eshbaal Dyndaethnas IV
    Political event

    King Gerard Dyndaethnas II passes away peacefully in his sleep. His son, King Eshbaal Dyndaethnas IV inherits the throne.

    Additional timelines
  • 1588 ND

    5 Vrombre
    1600 ND

    16 Tellemessi

    The Shadow War
    Military: War

    The nation of Chaidam deep within the jungles of Kiermoth refused trade agreements with several outside nations, and an accidental death lead to all out war between Chaidam, Ortisol, and Lunamaeg

    Additional timelines
  • 1590 ND

    1 Vrombre

    The Birth of Echo
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Echo in the Mountains in the city state of Nava-Nesu

    Additional timelines
  • 1612 ND

    28 Tellemessi

    The Moon Saga Campaign Begins

    Additional timelines
  • 1612 ND

    14 Protohaim

    Dood marries Vakra

    Additional timelines
  • 1612 ND

    23 Protohaim

    The Winter War Begins
    Military: War

    King Eshbaal Dyndaethnas IV of Lunamaeg finally, after careful deliberation, declares war on Geluregnum and sends his troops across the border to attack Fort Weiss.

    Fort Weiss
    Additional timelines
  • 1613 ND

    5 Mesahaim

    The Battle of Lyhos
    Military: Battle

    The first naval skirmish of the Winter War takes place off the coast of Lunamaeg in the Lyhos Sea, ending in Geluregnum Victory against Lunamaeg.

    Lyhos Sea
    Additional timelines
  • 1613 ND

    18 Mesahaim

    Liernian Eclipse
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A total Liernian Eclipse occurs.

    Additional timelines