
Ibrim and its constituent Union State have a history steeped in peace and commerce. At the end of the First Age, the Torva stepped down from power peacefully. At the end of the Second Age, Ibrim was folded into the Atresan Empire with nary a shot fired. And in the common day, this trend continues.   The city and the state of Ibrim are primarily known for their financial base and "live and let live" attitude. In Second Age Ibrim this attitude was at its height, with a nearly unsustainable lack of laws restricting personal and financial rights making a "money makes right" society. This has been reigned in since the end of the Second Age when the city was annexed by Atresa, and that controlled approach continues to this day. That said, the state and city of Ibrim still enjoy special financial rights. The Union Stock Market is also based out of the city.   Wealth is often seen as the most important thing in the city, with the poor being seen as morally bankrupt and the rich as prestigious citizens.


The city is the financial capital of the continent, and the demographics reflect this. Bankers, accountants, stock brokers, and more are common. Racially, the city is primarily human, with Olark, Halfling, Half-Orc, and some other species represented.


The city is technically ruled by a Merchant Prince or Princess, which is selected by local election. The Merchant Prince/Princess is essentially powerless in the common day though, and instead mostly serves as a ceremonial head for facilitating elections of the actual representatives with power.
Alternative Name(s)
The Richman's City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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