The Green Guard

The Green Guard are the most notorious and skilled special forces organization in the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin.   Formed in the late Second Age originally as a cooperative effort between the Wood Elves of the Torva'Ne and the Atresan Empire as an answer to the Virnosian Rangers, the Green Guard's role has only grown as the centuries have come and gone.    The Green Guard are rangers trained in a unique way that blends methods and traditions of the ancient Torva'Wea Ne'Ira, Torva'Wea Druids, the Virnosian Rangers, and ancient Atresan Ranger Corps. The result are dangerous combatants that are skilled sharpshooters, close range combatants, and often Druidic spell casters. To top it off each Green Guard member has an intense connection with an animal that they bond with in a secretive ritual that connects the creature and guard for eternity. These animals can range from wolves, to deer, to even small creatures like foxes.


The Green Guard are split up into contingents, which are commanded by Guard Captains. These Guard Captains report to the Guard General who in turn reports to the Supreme Commander of the Union Army and the Union President directly.

Rydym Ni Amddiffyn (We Defend)

Founding Date
753 2A
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Green Guard
Parent Organization


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