The Brownwater Massacre

Disaster / Destruction

974 3A

"Tharrisian Forces Discovered 2 Miles West of Brownwater. Local garrison sending riders to investigate. Shots heard. Casualties Expected." -Union Military Telegraph.

Following the end of the Rebellion in Idiomaris, Tharrisia was exacting in its hunt for Rebel leaders and escapees. Controversy emerged with the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin when several alleged leaders fled with a host of war refugees to the western territories of the Union. Tharrisia kept insisting that the Union allow Tharrisian troops to investigate the refugees, and the Union kept refusing.   This culminated in the Brownwater Massacre, when a group of Tharrisian Legionnaries, allegedly without orders, crossed the Domus river and went to the refugee camp. Their "investigation" turned into gunfire before long, and by the time Union troops had arrived, the entire camp had been massacred.   The political backlash was immediate, with the Union decrying the action and calling for the Tharrisian soldiers to be extradited. Tharrisia reacted by saying it was hypocrisy to ask that, and that the Legionnaries would be found and punished by their own system. This further made relations between the powers grow worse.

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