The Torva'Wio Emerge

Population Migration / Travel

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"We are merely exploring on behalf of the forest, we have no intention to harm any who do not harm us." -A Torva'Wio Explorer.

Centuries after the Torva'Wea of the Torva'Ne were exiled from their home by the mysterious Torva'Wio, or Wild Elves, the first Wild Elves were found outside of their forest.   Strange and barely Elves, the Torva'Wio's wild look unsettled the first people they met, mostly in Federated Union of Eastern Kalin territories. Despite their unsettling natural look, the Elves assured locals they were only exploring "on behalf of the forest" and meant no harm. From what can be told, this was true.   Since this time, Torva'Wio have become an uncommon, but not totally surprising, presence in Kalin. Some Torva'Wio seem to be "official" explorers, some seem to be unofficial wanderers. Though no matter their position, the distrust between the Torva'Wea and Torva'Wio remains strong even to this day when they encounter one another.

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