First Dead Waters Incident

Military: Skirmish

1007 3A

"Collision reported at 2232. Fire exchanged at 2233. Enemy ship begins to list at 2240. Rescue efforts begin at 2300. Stop." -Emergency sending from Captain Tilanus of the ITS Fortunata

The Impero Tharrisian and Federated Union of Eastern Kalin both maintained sizable naval presences in the Dead Waters at the center of Kalin.   One especially hazy and foggy winter night, the Tharrisian Frigate ITS Fortunata collided with the Union Frigate FUS Mally in the near dead of night. Reports differ, but it seems that the crew of the Fortunata mistook the collision for a haphazard boarding attempt, and opened up fire on the ship with its main and secondary guns within a minute of the collision.    The Union ship did not have time to respond, and soon the ship began to list, and then sink. Starting to grasp the mistake, the crew of the Fortunata began rescue efforts, managing to save much of the Mally crew; though 74 Sailors were lost in the chaos.    While the Sailors were quickly handed over to local Union authorities, the incident set of a diplomatic row between the two Great Powers. Accusations of infringing on national waters and attempts at igniting a larger fight were common, as were demands for compensation, and many feared an escalation into outright war.   The incident thankfully calmed down on its own, though public opinion in both nations continued to degrade with regards to the other.

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