Dead Waters Blockade

Political event

1007 3A - 1008 3A

"Any Tharrisian ship that attempts to travel into our waters, whether they be military or civilian, will be fired upon. It is that dreadfully simple." -Admiral Henry Boggs

Following the First and Second Dead Waters Incident's, the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin reacted with a show of force.   The Union declared that access to any of its waters, and some waters that were technically neutral, were hereby forbidden to Impero Tharrisian vessels. Effectively cutting off water trade between east and west.   To enforce the new declaration, a blockade of Union vessels formed across the demarcation line.   The response was one of fury on the Tharrisian side, who refused to take responsibility for the Second incident and openly declared the blockade an act of aggression.    The blockade was ran by several traders who changed out their colors for other vessels illegally, but was mostly enforced strictly. Any ships found in violation were confiscated if they were merchants or passenger vessels, while military vessels were warned to stay away or be fired upon.   The blockade was a constant diplomatic shouting point. Tharrisia responded by initiating inspections on every single train traveling from the Union into Tharrisia. Despite this, the blockade remained in place until de-escalation agreements following the Union Rail 293 Derailment Incident saw the blockade finally be disbanded and nautical travel allowed to resume.

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