Formation of the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin


14 2A

"We the People of Atresa, Ibrim, Virnos, and beyond, in order to form a perfect Union, establish this day a Federated Union of Eastern Kalin to better represent and protect the rights and privileges of all its disparate people." - Constitution of the Union

Following The Return and the following devastation, the Atresan Empire found itself suffering from the near-total destruction of its capital, as well as the damage to Ibrim, with only Virnos maintaining any strength following the Fall of the Return.   During the first decade of the Third Age, Virnos dedicated large amounts of manpower and resources to aiding its fellow members of the Empire, instead of overthrowing Atresan rule, which would've been easy for it to do at that point. When Atresa needed more soldiers for patrols, Virnos gave them. When Ibrim needed resources to rebuild, Virnos donated them.   After a decade of this, when the world of politics began to reassert itself, the Prime Minister of Virnos, Gareth Pancem, publicly pushed for an end to the Empire, desiring it to be reborn as something new.   He was soon joined by Merchant Princess Guenda Silverio, Primor Tutiro Cam, Parlimentarian Talina Vran, General Grug, General Shermain, Vonrig Blastkeg, and several others. This group of leaders and renowned people would become known as "The Founders" and it was they who negotiated the joining together of the former vassal states of Atresa into one cohesive whole. It was also they who wrote the Constitution.   In 14 3A the Union was officially announced, and soon Gareth Pancem was elected as the first President of the Union, with Tutiro Cam serving as his Vice President; with Gareth stepping down after one term, and Tutiro serving several terms as President after him.   While notable in its own right, the formation of the Union would serve as a sort of "return to politics" for Kalin, with old political motivations and problems returning in the years to come.

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