The Rise of Embrel and Virnos, The Guild Compact, and the Beginning of the Green Dragon War


468 - 559 2A

"We shall not suffer these overgrown lizards to insult us like this. We shall drive them into the sea, where they will either leave our rightful home, or they shall perish." - Shogai Odan Nobun

From the mid 400s to the mid 500s the continent began to see the Fallen Cities, once the Immortal Cities, wield their inherent population and production advantages in increasingly imperial ways. Virnos was one of the first to do so, rebounding from its titular plague by embracing Technomancy to the point that the Order of Technomancy replaced the primary government of the city. Using its increasing Technomantic advantage Virnos founded the Rangers of Virnos and began to conquer and politic its neighbors to fall under its banner.   To its North, Atresa's government worked with local Guilds, groups of professionals who had worked together in an unofficial way, to create and sign the Guild Compact in 559 2A. The Guild Compact legalized guilds and their rights and the ability to work and compete publicly. This would be a huge boon to Atresa which saw most of the most prominent Guilds of the continent calling it home, despite other nations recognizing Guild rights after the Guild Compact. To this day Guilds and Companies are huge part of the Atresan Successor State of the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin.   Meanwhile, in Western Kalin the flying High Elven city of Embrel ended its self imposed exile and began to send diplomats and agents out into the world once again, and began to accept (limited visitors).   Finally, in the Southwest the Elves of Ithalin began to have issues with expansion due to their Green Dragon neighbors on the island chain. The disagreements between the races eventually grew into skirmishes, and finally outright war in 482 2A. The war would continue until the end of the Second Age with the Fall of Ithalin.

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