The Third Virnosian War

Military action

752 2A

"Virnos means to conquer us. I mean to show them we are not so easily conquered." -Primor Tutiro Cam

After the Sunless Day Atresa faced a successful assassination attempt against the Primor. The assassins used Elemental Flintlocks, a Virnosian weapon. This led to an increase in hostility between the two nations.   This eventually bubbled over as Lord Thannor, the loser of the Primoral election, was used as an excuse to invade Atresa. He gathered almost a full third of the Virnosian army and invaded two locations: Brox Crossing and Castle Hyperios, leading to The Battle of Castle Hyperios and The Battle of Brox Crossing.   Both battles went the way of the Atresans with the introduction of a new Atresan weapon: Tablet Tanks. Lord Thannor was killed by Guild Hyperios at the Battle of Castle Hyperios and the battle was over. Brox Crossing was won by the timely intervention of all factions, the the Wood Elves of the Torva'Ne. Nearly a third of the entire Virnosian military had been killed, wounded, or captured in less than a fortnight by the end of both battles.   In the aftermath of the battle the new Primor, Tutiro Cam, took the high road and began sending aid to Virnos, who suffered an unexplained magical explosion at the same time as the invasion, as well as an ongoing rebellion in the Virnosian poor quarter.   The Atresan domination of Virnos reversed the fortunes of both nations. Atresa (under Primor Cam) would wind up only growing more over the decades to come, forming the Atresan Empire (and later the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin with Virnos). Virnos, meanwhile, began to decline rapidly, facing an unexplained disaster with the magical explosion followed by a rebellion that saw its government collapse.

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