Explosion of Paper Currency Adoption

Financial Event

717 - 729 3A

"The original cold coin is pretty, but a good Union dollar goes much further!" -Union Dollar Adoption Poster

As the final scars from The Return finished healing, the continent of Kalin found itself much more nationalized and separate than ever before. As a sign of this increasing nationalization, the growth of individual national currencies began to proliferate.   The Federated Union of Eastern Kalin adopted the Union Dollar, the Strakan Empire adopted the Strakan Kuru, Impero Tharrisian adopted the Tharrisian Lire, and so on.   This all replaced the original Torvish Coinage that most nations had just kept printing for centuries after the fall of the Torva'Ir, an ancient vestige of the empire. Some nations, notably Embrel, still only deal in coins. Coins are still broadly accepted, and can be converted to most local currencies and are accepted by many vendors, though the conversion is rarely 1-1.

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History of Kalin