The Unsung War

Military action

978 - 983 3A

"We decry the situation in the west, but this administration stands by its desire for peace with our western neighbors, and that we have not, at any time, been in a state of war with Tharrisia." - President Juk Ugrum

With tensions at a roiling boil, violence between Tharrisia and the Union, an end to the near millennia of peace between nations, seemed inevitable.   This took the form of the now called "Unsung War," a period of 5 years where "unauthorized" naval and land skirmishes, espionage raids, and mercenary on mercenary conflict became rampant around the Dead Waters and its feeding rivers.   Both governments officially proclaimed that they were not at war, but at the same time decried the other for attempting to start one.   It is estimated that thousands died on either side militarily, between "unauthorized" military actions and mercenary actions; not to mention several thousand civilians killed, wounded, or displaced from the fighting.   The ongoing undeclared war would continue to simmer until it finally exploded.

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