Exile of the Torva'Wea

Population Migration / Travel

31 3A

"What is a Wood Elf without the woods? I suppose we shall find out." -An Atresan Newspaper Editorial from 31 3A

Three decades after the Return, a mass exodus of Torva'Wea (Wood Elves) occurred from the Torva'Ne, the ancient homeland of the Elves of Kalin and the Kingdom of the Wood Elves.   Thousands of Wood Elves fled west and south, led by their King Baralas Oakenhollow. He sought refuge from the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin and the Primor of Atresa, Tutiro Cam, was sure to press for and get approval for said refuge from the President at the time.   Many Wood Elves soon came to call Atresa home with Tutiro Cam's kind welcoming, since the nation had much land that was still depopulated and damaged from The Return.   Details to this day are still sparse about the exact nature of the exile. What few words Baralas has said in the centuries since about the exile, as well as other Torva'Wea, paint a picture of some sort of strange civil war between the Wood Elves themselves and the now-known Torva'Wio (Wild Elves) over the nature of the forest itself, a war the Torva'Wea lost and as a result were exiled for.   The Exile would lead to a large demographic change in the Union, with Wood Elves settling large parts of Atresa, and in the centuries to come would intermarry with the local Humans, leading to the largest amount of Half-Elves in Kalin being found in Atresa.

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