Attempted Assassination of Bartek Milatadies

Political event

1004 3A

"The King was shot! Someone shot the Old Wizard!" -A witness, moments after the attempt.

In the Spring of 1004, Bartek Milatadies, the King of Aurelia, was undergoing a routine tour of the country.   Part of this tour took place in Woclarn, where Bartek would pay homage to the home city of one of the countries original founders, over a thousand years ago. During a ceremony in the city where Bartek would take time and greet several important local dignitaries, one of the dignitaries, a member of the Rada Ludowa (the legislative body of the country) named Kajetan Wolosyk, drew a small pistol and shot Bartek six times at point blank range.   The Rycerz Herolda guarding the King immediately seized Kajetan and dragged him away after brutally beating him into submission. Bartek was rushed to a nearby hospital. Reports say the old king was overheard muttering "did someone just ****ing shoot me?" as he was pulled away.   The King was seen by both the personal doctor of the local Lord as well as a skilled healer. Despite the kings age, the doctor and healer were able to save the king, who would make a near-full recovery.   The assassin was dragged to an undisclosed location and questioned, but reportedly somehow killed themselves using an unknown enchanted item. The only information garnered by the Herolda was, according to rumor, him saying "We hurtle to the edge, regardless" before he killed himself.

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