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Prigyapolis is the southernmost city of the Andranes Republic, and it is located on the same floating landmass as Kalliergas.
The city is famous for its skilled spellcasters and its hatred for the Obalius Empire.


Most of the citizen of Prigyapolis are high elves, although member of any race are welcome in the city, as long as they show talenti with arcane magic. Hobgoblins, goblins and orcs are not welcome.


Well trained spellcasters protect the city, and the most vulnerable spots are warded by many protective spells.

Industry & Trade

Magic items are the main exports of the city.


Numerous shops that sell all kinds of magic items and ingredients can be find all over the city. The best schools of magic of the Republic are in Prigyapolis.
Alternative Name(s)
The Elven City of Wizards
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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