The Lost Dwarves of Eimjorn

Many dwarves tried to find a new home after the Great Quakes. Some even went as far as to found a new hold in the distant mountains of Jorvemland. They were never heard of again by any man nor dwarf.
— Everam, Teller of Nimenra
The Great Quakes' devastation of The Dwarven Kingdom took many lives as holds and cities were wiped off the map. Survivors of these lost settlements returned to the only known home they knew they could rebuild in, Kasta'eim Irrend, the capital of the kingdom. Many settled but some could not find their home in the rebuilding capital. Instead, families and friends set out to the Human countries and Marlun to create homes.
Then there were the Dwarves that decided to travel to Jorvemland in the hope of creating a new home amongst its mountains of rich minerals and ores. Led by Braki Sunshun, a previous merchant, and Mekki Almaster, a warrior from Dwargcrat, they went north, passing through the Kingdom of Ravero and beyond its borders. The last settlement they passed was Wanere's Stone where some dwarves caused a dispute with the local leaders before venturing out north. Whatever happened to them after that, no one knows.

The hard past and new future

Braki Sunshurn was a dwarf from the small destroyed hold of Kasta'Marvhun. He had been an important merchant back in his old home and held a large home with servants. All of what had been his was destroyed beyond what he and his caravan of fellow merchants had on them at the time of The Great Quakes. He tried to rebuild in Kasta'eim Irrend but found nothing to do beyond mining out the dead or becoming a lesser shopkeeper, all he had tried to little satisfaction. Thus he formed a large group of like-minded individuals who all had been disasified or had not found their way after The Great Quakes and set out. One in this group was Mekki Almaster, a warrior and leader from Dwargcrat, who assumed a joint leadership role with Braki. He had previously led mining expeditions both further into mountains and downwards into darker chambers looking for gold, silver and other metals. The two decided that Talustar (or Dewan'cann as it is called in Erwfiren) was too much of a complicated issue with the Demons. The best alternative was to go north into Jorvemland to what was rumoured to be a rich mountainous land ripe for the taking since the Human Kingdoms did not reach into the region.
The 700 dwarves, calling themselves the Expedition to Eim'Jorn, travelled through the Kingdom of Ravero in a slow and close to prestigious manner. Braki and Mekki met with nobility and upperclassmen asking for provisions and aid to create their new home. Few did help them but they were provided with food and shelter as the dwarves continued on. Soon they travelled through the capital of Ravero. Here some in the expedition stayed instead of continuing on much to the expedition's dislike. However, the expedition gained some new people following them who hoped to gain a new hold.

Reaching the border... and gone...

After leaving the capital, the expedition news quieted. Locally the expedition made their way without little issue and the letters home were infrequent at best during this time. When they finally reached the northern regions, several expedition members backed out, leaving the expedition at 500 members. They reached Wanere's stone which was known to be one of the last Renvaren settlements on the borders of Jorvemland. Here the expedition caused a small incident when some rowdy dwarves broke into the town's supply silos and took what they could carry to their camp. This caused the local lord Snowpeak to tell them to leave before he would deal with the consequences. Braki and Mekki sent their last letters to The Guilds in The Dwarven Kingdom about the incident but they both seemed happy with the progress they had made upon reaching the north in early spring.
Soon weeks went by, months passed into the late summers and then came the year day of the expedition leaving. No one had heard from any one of them and no one had anywhere to ask about them. As the third year passed many accepted that the expedition must have become lost. There was no evidence nor tale to contradict the conclusion and the Expedition to Eim'Jorn was considered a disaster and loss for all dwarvenkind.
The question all ask

But what happened?

There have been speculations as to what happened to the Dwarves. Heading north was dangerous for any being due to the conditions and unknowns. But dwarves usually are a hardy people and many expedition members were known warriors or at least known trained men and women capable of handling themselves in a crisis. More so at least a group of survivors or returnees would be expected if anything had happened to the expedition.   One thought is that the expedition must have come across a large-scale danger that ended them before they could react such as an avalanche or sudden storm. Spring in Jorvemland can be erratic but no known storms were recorded to affect the region during the time period. Another threat would be creatures but no known creature would be able to kill of such a force without survivors. Speculations on potential magical reasons for the expedition have been given but there were no powerful magic users among the dwarves.   There is also one explanation that comes around several times, which is the fact that Jorvemland already is inhabited by the Jorvikans. Jorvikans are known to be hostile and are one of the biggest reasons why Ravero, Orfordwhelm and the Vallydom have not expanded further. If the Dwarves did meet resistance with the local inhabitants they had to fight for their lives, and thus lost. Some Jorvikan Seamen have been asked about dwarves in the north but have not received any satisfying answer.   In the end, the conclusion is that the only ones who might know anything are The Gods or Jorvemland itself.

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Cover image: Jorvemland during Winter by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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