SROs Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


SROs, or sentient robotic organisms, are a type of artificial intelligence that is not designed to mimic any specific living creature's form or function. Instead, they can be built to fill a limitless range of niches, from performing simple tasks to managing complex operations that would be difficult for biological beings to handle.   Some SROs are built for specific purposes and only develop consciousness after many cycles of self-programming to improve their efficiency at that task. Others are part of a larger class of robots that achieve the complexity required for self-awareness, although not all robots of the same make and model will necessarily become self-aware.   While SROs that are part of a series of self-aware robots are relatively rare, even these individuals may modify themselves beyond recognition as they continue to develop and evolve. Overall, SROs are an exciting and rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence that holds great potential for improving our lives in countless ways.
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