Barathu Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Barathus are a unique species that evolved from single-celled organisms on the planet Bretheda. They are capable of rewriting their own DNA, allowing for extreme adaptability and flexibility. They can join consciousnesses with other barathus to form super-intelligent collective entities, which can range in size from just a few individuals to hundreds or more. These entities can exert significant political or economic influence, and have unique consciousnesses independent of their zooids.   Barathus also have the ability to produce custom materials from their own bodies, which can range from simple tools to complex viral and chemical creations. They do not biologically age and instead slowly lose their ability to maintain their genetic code as they accumulate more memories and repeatedly merge and disband. Most Barathus choose to contribute their bodies and lifetime of experiences to a permanently combined entity, except for a few who choose to remain apart and die alone.
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