Brakim Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Brakims are a humanoid species that has survived in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. They are a tough and adaptable people who have learned to make the most of their situation. Brakims are known for their ability to modify and detach their limbs, which gives them a significant advantage in the harsh environment they inhabit.   Centuries of living in a war-torn world have left Brakims with a brusque and distrustful nature. They are slow to accept strangers and are fiercely independent. However, some Brakims have found new horizons to explore by hiring on as technicians on starships bound for other worlds. They are well-suited to deal with technology and prefer it to magic. They favor hands-on work that produces practical results and are good at making do with what they have.   Despite their rough exterior, Brakims are a resourceful and industrious people. They are survivors and have adapted to their environment in ways that few other species could manage. They are also known for their ingenuity and have found ways to make the most out of the resources available to them.   Brakims are tall and slender, with gangly bodies that weigh around 200 pounds. They mature quickly, becoming adults at 15 years old, and have a natural lifespan of 75 years.
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