Yitrit Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Yitrit is an artificial planet that is currently under construction in the Yitsen solar system. It is a massive undertaking that has been in progress for several years, and it is one of the most ambitious projects ever attempted by the sentient species that inhabit the system.   The planet is being constructed using advanced technology and materials, with the goal of creating a world that is perfectly suited for life. The planet's surface will be covered with lush forests, expansive oceans, and diverse ecosystems that can support a wide range of flora and fauna.   Yitrit is being designed to be entirely self-sustaining, with advanced systems that will regulate the planet's climate, air, and water quality. The planet will also be equipped with cutting-edge technologies that will allow it to generate its own power and maintain its own infrastructure.   The sentient species that are constructing Yitrit are doing so with a clear goal in mind: to create a new home for themselves and for future generations. They see Yitrit as a beacon of hope and a testament to their ingenuity and creativity. And although the project is still in progress, they are confident that it will be a success, and that Yitrit will one day be a thriving and vibrant world that will serve as a model for other advanced civilizations in the galaxy.
Diameter: x .1   Mass: x .5   Gravity: x .4   Atmosphere: x 1   Day: 24 Hours   Year: x 16   Satellites N/A


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