Brenneri Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Brenneris are a fascinating species that evolved from augmented otters on the planet Evonia. They stand at around 5 feet tall and have longer legs that allow them to walk upright. Brenneris possess a finely tuned sensitivity to emotions, allowing them to understand and empathize with others' emotional states. They are naturally skilled diplomats and often work in pairs, knowing the experience and judgment of another brenneri to be invaluable.   Brenneris are widely respected across the galaxy for their diplomatic skills, and many other species seek out their services as ambassadors or representatives. However, some brenneris break away from this tradition, drawn to the enthusiasm and excitement of other individuals they encounter. They often become early adopters of new technologies and lifestyles, especially when inspired by shirrens.   Despite their good intentions, brenneris' compulsive attempts to intervene and help others can sometimes lead to conflict. They may come across as intrusive or condescending, especially when they persist in trying to assist someone who has declined their help. However, even in such cases, few would consider a brenneri's interest to be malicious.   Like most species, brenneris experience a range of emotions, and their finely tuned sensitivity to emotions can sometimes lead to bouts of spiraling anxiety or melancholy. To manage these moods, most brenneris keep a small token that helps them calm their emotions and focus their minds on the task at hand.   Overall, brenneris are a fascinating species with a unique set of skills and abilities that make them valuable members of any intergalactic community.
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