Ysoki Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Ysoki are a small, rodent-like species known for their quick wit and resourcefulness. They have sharp claws on their hands and feet, and their long, pointed ears give them excellent hearing. Their fur ranges from shades of gray to brown, and they have large, expressive eyes that can convey a wide range of emotions.   Ysoki are natural scavengers and often live in tight-knit groups called "nests." They have a reputation for being opportunistic and cunning, and their small size and agility make them excellent thieves and smugglers. Ysoki are also known for their engineering skills and have developed many useful gadgets and weapons.   Despite their reputation for being cunning and untrustworthy, Ysoki are fiercely loyal to those they consider part of their nest. They have a strong sense of community and will go to great lengths to protect their own. While they may not always play by the rules, Ysoki are valued members of many societies for their resourcefulness and ingenuity.


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