
My home is not what it used to be. The streets once filled with life are now empty and filled with destruction. I know it might be idle hope but still I can't help but wish that at least some others of my kind made it out alive.
— Yamaderis
  The Tanarians were a Deep Gnome society living deep in the Lower Realms. During their height in power they controlled a large portion of this underground realm under the banner of Tanaria.   Now they are long gone but their disappearance remains a bit of an enigma as it was so sudden.    

Extra Information

Their empire spanned quite a large area of the Lower Realms of Farlis
Originated from the surface
Ruled by
Disciples of the Mind
Known For
Mind Magic, martial arts
Derived cultures
Estian, Severon, Hashiden, Ubran, Eperi, Ukeri, Tenari




  Exact details are not that well known but in general historians do know that Deep Gnomes started to migrate to the Lower Realms after their defeat by the Selefer . This would place their move to the underground at least after the creation of the Silent Forest.   Before they came to Farlis though the Tanarians are thought to have joined the god Tanajin on his expediton from Oneraga to Farlis after which they settled on the later continent.  


  During their height in power the empire of Tanaria was quite a sight to behold. Many of their settlements such as Barenga had become great centers of learning and housed many research facilities. From accounts of Yamaderis we know that the technological level far surpassed that of the current world. This was likely due to the knowledge they gained from Tanajin but underground they also found many Prime Asmer ruins.   Yamaderis himself created and improved many constructs for mining purposes but eventually these kind of constructs started to be used for military purposes as well. Many of these constructs are still operating today, protecting the Lower Realms from undesirables.

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge
by kefkejaco with midjourney


  From external sources we know that around 2658 BF the end of Tanaria was set in motion. This is assumed to have been mostly because of the Narkids started pouring out of the deepest layers of the underground in great hordes. Their true origin is a mystery but many suspect the evil goddess Ifelian had something to do with it as her first mentions are from the same time. Tanaria and many other nations underground quickly crumbled under the persistent Narkid attacks although some believe that other monstrosities were involved as well. The Tanarians are now long gone but some think that at least a few of them managed to escape to the Elemental Realms of Nervonia.  




  From all the people in the world the Tanarians were perhaps the most advanced people after Magicfall. Although they did not reach the same level as the Prime Asmer they had quite a good understanding of their technology.   Many of these inventions have been lost to time but now and then some of them are found. If the accounts of Yamaderis are to be believed they sophisticated means of transportation and machines far superior to the ones constructed during the current industrial era. Some of these technologies have been brought back to light by Yamaderis such as Prosthetics.  


  The golems that the Tanarians created were of superior quality than anything constructed these days. They were used for all kinds of purposes going from mining to tending gardens. The ones that are left today are, however, those of the military kind. Even today these ancient constructs protect the Lower Realms against monstrosities.  

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Aug 6, 2024 00:04 by Marjorie Ariel

What a sad story. You did a great job setting the tone, right from the very beginning. I hope some of them survived, like the stories say.

Aug 6, 2024 20:44

Indeed they have endured so much bad luck so we can only hope the rumors are true!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 14, 2024 00:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

It's such a shame that they are lost. I hope some did make it to the other plane and survived. I wonder what other technology of theirs is waiting to be discovered.

Aug 23, 2024 10:42

Indeed they were the last of Tanajin's people and now only Yamaderis remains. But who know perhaps the rumors are true!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 31, 2024 15:33 by Elizabread

What a haunting and fascinating read! It's a shame that they're gone, though the vestiges of their presence remain.

Check out my world Valtena!