Niorath History of Farlis Timeline

History of Farlis

The history of the continent of Farlis.

Ancient Era

4125 BF 1993 BF

  • 4100 BF


    Altough not that many events are known in this era, the Magicfall is an exception. The Magicfall has been found in many written records all around Niorath. All of these records agree on the same date and thus the events has been added to official history. According to these old texts magic was non-existent before this event. The exact origin of what caused magic to appear however varies in each record and will therefore remain unspecified until clarification has been found.

  • Unknown Date
    Migration of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Due to an unkown event the original Elves living in central Farlis were forced to move. This would cause different species of Elves to be created. The Elves that moved underground would become the Dark Elves The Elves that retreated into the forest of central Farlis would become the Wood Elves The Elves that migrated west to the mountains would become the Frost Elves The Elves that migrated east would become the High Elves.   These migrations are believed to have taken place between 3400 BF and 2800 BF.

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  • Unknown Date
    The Stone Curse
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the most southern region of Farlis it is said that a big battle occured, between Gnomes and Selefer, which ended by a magic surge that petrified the entire forest around it. This would later become known as the Silent Forest. To this day it's still one of the most dangerous places in Farlis because it is home to all kinds of demons and aberrations.

  • 2871 BF

    Founding of Bagor

    After the migrations of High Elves to the north eastern regions of Farlis the Elves founded the city of Bagor. According to the myths it was the Elf Mackevor who guided them there.

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  • 2757 BF

    2 Suri'el
    2662 BF

    Avaronian Selefer Eastern Wars
    Military action

    This was the first war between the Selefer and the Avaronians.

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  • 2756 BF

    Battle for Vamena Forest
    Military: Battle

    The first big loss the Selefer suffered was near the current Vamena forest.The defeat of the Selfer resulted in the loss of one of their larger northern cities, Erithasi.

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  • 2658 BF

    End of Underground Gnome Empire

    This event is only known by records of ancient Dwarfs that used to trade with them. According to these records the disappearance of the Gnome Empire was rather fast and went mostly unnoticed by the surface dwellers.

  • 2651 BF

    2630 AE

    Disbanding of the underground Dwarf kingdoms

    After many years of attacks the Dwarfs decided to abandon their settlements deeper underground. This ended the easy underground connection routes between their holds and caused them to be isolated. After this the kingdoms quickly fell into seperate clan states.

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  • 2625 BF

    2574 BF

    Selefer Northern Expansion
    Military action

    Due to the power vacuum to the north the Selefer decided to expand.

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  • 2541 BF

    2495 BF

    Doromir Wars
    Military action

    The Avaronians decided to stop the Selefer advance to the north together with their Dwarven allies.

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  • 2489 BF

    Founding of Farmar

    The current capital of the Elven country Mervidel was founded in this year.

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  • 2472 BF

    Construction of Handerlith Wall
    Construction beginning/end

    To prevent incursions of the Selefer to the north the Avaronians decided to construct the Handerlith Wall.

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  • 2440 BF

    2359 BF

    Sanderlith Wars
    Military action

    Eventually the Selefer attempted to advance north again and partially succeeded for a time.

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  • 2328 BF

    Construction of Sanderlith Wall
    Construction beginning/end

    Due to the success of the Handerlith wall a second wall was built more to the west.

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  • 2280 BF

    2183 BF

    Avaronian southern conquests
    Military action

    During these conquest the Avaronians were able to claim many new territories in the south-east.

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  • 2070 BF

    Destruction of Sanderlith Wall
    Disaster / Destruction

    According to myth the Selefer used chaos magic to bring down Sanderlith Wall.

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  • 2070 BF

    2 Suri'el
    1993 BF

    Chaos War
    Military action

    This was the last war between the Selefer and the Avaronians which ended with the Selefer defeat.

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  • 1993 BF

    34 Monandri'el

    Defeat of the Selefer
    Military action

    The only available written records for this period of time are a limited set of Avaronian origin. Other myths are being told about this event but since none are verifiable they are not taken into official history. According to the Avaronians this date marked the start of their empire as they conquered the last remaining enemy in their way for control over most of Farlis. The battle is thought to have taken place at the current Visar Volcanoes which according to the myth were only created after the battle. The Selefer have not been seen in Niorath since this event.

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Avaronian Era

1992 BF 0 BF

  • 1991 BF

    1925 BF

    First Avaronian Civil War

    With the mythological death of the hero Mackevor came a time of troubles.

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  • 1876 BF

    1752 BF

    Construction of the Skypeak
    Construction beginning/end

    The Skypeak is believed to have been the largest building in the world.

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  • 1773 BF

    1684 BF

    First Avaronian Reunification War
    Military action

    After several years of peace the central provinces of the Avaronian Empire decided that it was time to reconquer the astray provinces.

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  • 1610 BF

    1478 BF

    Second Avaronian Reunification Wars
    Military action

    During these wars the Avaronian Empire would reclaim the southern provinces it lost before.

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  • 985 BF

    Avaronians start expedition to Pavenor

    In this year the Avaronian Empire set out a fleet towards Pavenor for the first time. They first landed in the Elervir Isles and quickly conquered them. Only a few years later the already set foot on the mainland of Pavenor.

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  • 973 BF

    613 BF

    Colonisation of Pavanor
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the founding of the city of Avinor the era of expansion into Pavanor was officialy started.

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  • 570 BF

    528 BF

    Second Avaronian Civl War
    Military action

    Due to the Empire losing ever more power to the provinces the power balance shifted which eventually led to a civil war.

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  • 377 BF

    343 BF

    Dragon Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    This plague only affected Dragonborn and Dragons but nonetheless left a big mark on the global population. Before the Dragon Scourge the Dragonborn were the second largest population group.

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  • 293 BF

    33 Vuri'el

    Union of the Arendor States

    As the amount of enslaved Dwarves increased in the Avaronian Empire the until then separate clans of northern Farlis decided to unite and free their enslaved kin.

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  • 274 BF

    190 AE

    Enslavement of Wood Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Due to a shortage of slaves the Avaronian Empire started to capture the Wood Elves living in the remote regions of their empire. The shortage was mainly caused by the frequent rebellions in Pavanor that eventually ended with it getting independence. Those that escaped migrated in large numbers to the south-eastern Baidan Jungle where they settled the until then still rather pristine regions.

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  • 257 BF

    Founding of Free City of Safir

    Human and some Dragonborn tribes in the Eridani river area banded together to set up a new settlement in an abandoned Dragonborn city. This city would later be the Free City of Safir which was the first human state on Farlis.

  • 243 BF

    The Keepers are founded
    Gathering / Conference

    Because the Dragonborn lost a lot of information during the Dragon Scourge they decided to found an organisation to reclaim and store all manners of information. They even constructed a library in Adroon for this purpose.

  • 116 BF

    14 Tekori'el

    Landing of Pavan Troops in Farlis
    Military action

    On this day the first Pavan army landed in the south-east of Farlis and created their first outpost. After outsting the Avaronian Empire out of Pavanor they would continue the war from here. This outpost would later become the city Tharsis. The landing would become the start of a long war that would cost a lot of lives.

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  • 83 BF

    2 Raperi'el

    Ceasefire of the Dagor
    Diplomatic action

    After many years of fighting between the Archon Alliance and the Avaronian Empire a ceasefire was initiated to bring some peace to the region. The humans were allowed to keep all regions below the Dagor river in exchange for peace.

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  • 54 BF

    7 Monandri'el

    Gonevar Revolution

    After an increasing mistreatment of Human and Dwarf slaves a rebellion broke out which orginated from Gonevar (current Golandon). According to myths it started when the majority of the Human women were taken to be used for breeding to create more slaves.

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  • 53 BF

    37 BF

    13 Monandri'el

    Third Human-Avaronian War
    Military action

    After the severe breakdown of the Gonovar Rebellion the Archon Alliance decided to move against the Avaronian Empire once more. This time they were joined by the Arendor States with whom they had forged an alliance.

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  • 37 BF

    13 Monandri'el

    Battle of the Handerlith Wall
    Military action

    On this day the Archon Alliance tried to attack the southern part of what is now the current Mervidel. Although smaller in number the Avaronians defended the Handerlith wall that blocked the access to the north.

  • 37 BF

    13 Monandri'el

    Battle of the Handerlith Wall
    Military action

    On this day the Archon Alliance tried to attack the southern part of what is now the current Mervidel. Although smaller in number the Avaronians defended the Handerlith wall that blocked the access to

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  • 25 BF

    1 BF

    12 Raperi'el

    Conquest of Eastern Farlis
    Military action

    Seeing the succes of their northern kin the dwarves living in the underground areas of eastern Farlis decided to join the war against the Avaronians. This was the opportunity the Archon Alliance needed to push further into eastern Farlis and conquer the regions of current Terios.

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  • 25 BF

    Conquest of Eastern Farlis
    Military action

    Seeing the succes of their northern kin the dwarves living in the underground areas of eastern Farlis decided to join the war against the Avaronians. This was the opportunity the Archon Alliance needed to push further into eastern Farlis and conquer the regions of current Terios.

  • 11 BF

    22 Ankyri'el

    Founding of Golandon

    Golandon was founded by the escaped slaves of the Avaronian Empire. At the start it was only a small settlement on the top of the Anchia hill within the remains of an old Avaronian palace. Most of the infrastructure of the old Avaronian city Gonevar was destroyed many years before but the catacombs remained and Golonadon was build upon the ruins.

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  • 0 BF

    12 Raperi'el

    Siege of Bagor
    Era beginning/end

    The final battle of the Pavan-Avaronian War was the siege of Bagor. It ended with a gigantic surge of energy that killed everyone in the city of Bagor and around. This marked the end of the Avaronian Empire.

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Middle Era

1 AE 972 AE

  • 0


    Chaos Tempests
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the magical destruction of Bagor the number of magical occurences in the region increased. Large storms swept over the land making it almost impossible for any habitation and the remaining Elves of the region moved towards Mervidel and Humans went south of the mountains. Only the Dwarves in the mountains remained.

  • 2

    Release of captured territories

    After the destruction of Bagor the remaining troops of the Archon Alliance were too few to hold on to the claimed territories. In order to not spread their military to thin and save themselves money they decided to free all regions that were captured during the recent war and retreated to the Varena region.

  • 122

    Founding of Bareniai

    After its founding by Oneragan settlers Bareniai quickly rose to fulfill a major part in the local trade. Since most of the region was still uncolonized the expansion was fast when more and more colonists arrived.

    More reading
  • 211

    23 Althari'el

    Independence of Tharsis
    Political event

    On this date the Archon Alliance granted independence to their last territory in Farlis, Tharsis. Afterwards both Tharsis and the Archon Alliance remained indefinite allies.

  • 434

    24 Raperi'el

    Unification of northern Terios

    Golandon expanded in the previous decades and eventually managed to control the complete region around the Oronia Basin and the Oner river. A new treaty made in this year renamed the entire region Terios.

  • 623

    31 Althari'el

    Creation of Magi Covenant
    Diplomatic action

    Altough there were problems before the remnants of the Avaronian Empire finally split into Mervidel, Kavonia and Aelerium in 624 AE. Since they did not want to be completly seperate from eachother they created the Magi Covenant Alliance.

Progressive Era

973 AE and beyond

  • 973 AE

    Invention of the Printing Press
    Scientific achievement

    The invention of the Printing Press changed the accesibility of information. It marks the start of the Progressive Era since it kickstarted a rapid increase in scientific discoveries.

  • 1091 AE

    10 Ankyri'el

    Signing of the first Eastern Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    By signing this treaty the countries of Terios, Eprus and Varena decided to no longer attack eachother. The union also ensured protected trade between these countries and proved to be a major economic boost.

  • 1163 AE

    3 Tekori'el

    Creation of Eastern Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    In the year 1163 AE the Eastern Alliance was created between Terios, Eprus and Varena. It was also at the signing of the alliance that a new combined military was created , the Vanguard.

  • 1234 AE

    First Factory opened in Farlis
    Technological achievement

    After the first machines were created a few years earlier in Pavenor the entrepeneur Savas Keleris manged to replicate it and created the first factory in Farlis.

  • 1237 AE

    17 Althari'el
    1243 AE

    6 Suri'el

    Start of the Alliance-Covenant War
    Military action

    Declaration of war on Eprus by Mervidel, both the Magi Covenant and the Human Alliance get involved

  • 1239 AE

    5 Halari'el

    Battle of Marelia
    Military action

    One of the biggest battles in the war was when the troops from the Human Alliance managed to stop reinforcements coming from Mervidel. This unexpected move dealt a big blow to the Magi Covenant army but left the eastern front to Terios open.

  • 1239 AE

    13 Althari'el

    Sacking of Savi

    After moving the bulk of their army towards Terios while leaving behind territories for which the war was started, the Magi Covenant laid siege to the city of Savi. After only a few days the city was taken. The commanding general for this part of the army decided to sack the city and kill almost it's entire population, an act which would later be labelled a war crime.

  • 1239 AE

    4 Monandri'el

    Kevarim joins the War
    Political event

    After the genocide in Savi the human kingdom of Kevarim decided to join the war against their former trade parteners of the Magi Covenant. Not willing to be in war with their most valuable trade partner the country of Aldhir decided to leave the Magi Covenant and denouce their actions. For the rest of the war Aldhir did not participate anymore however.

  • 1242 AE

    22 Tekori'el

    Death of Verakon Elervir
    Life, Death

    After many years a final battle between the Human Alliance and Magi Covenant put an end to the war near Old Asmeth, northern Eprus. During this battle the Archmage and leader of the Magi Covenant, Verakon Elevir was killed.

  • 1243 AE

    6 Suri'el

    Peace Treaty of Alliance-Covenant war
    Diplomatic action

    With archmage Verakon Elervir dead the remaining troops of the Magi Covenant quickly retreated to their homeland. Some time later the new leaders of the Covenant signed a peace treaty with the Human Alliance, effectivly ending the war.

  • 1244 AE

    17 Althari'el

    Construction of the first railroad in Farlis is started
    Technological achievement

    Although the first machines of Farlis were only introduced a few years ago the entrepreneur Savas Keleris started with the construction of the first railroad.

  • 1245 AE

    9 Irami'el

    Start of the campaign
    Gathering / Conference

    Our adventurers start their journey together after defeating a kobold attack while sailing on the Swordfish Blade.

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