Canulus Village

A settlement of primarily Dunmer refugees, founded in the wake of the Red Year.


  • 185 Dunmer
  • 10 Khajiit
  • 8 Argonians
  • 6 Redguard
  • 4 Nords
  • 2 Bosmer
  • 1 Minotaur

Industry & Trade

  • Fishing
  • Lumber


  • The original village on Lake Canulus was a small fishing hamlet, with a population of about 100, that never appeared on any map.
  • 3E 427 a group of Necromancers took residence in the abandoned Fort Cuptor across the lake. All but 30 people, mostly the elderly, abandoned the village over the next few years.
  • 3E 433, the Oblivion Crisis occurred. An adventurer cleared out the Necromancers, but was not present when an Oblivion gate opened on the very last day of the Crisis. The daedra killed all but one of the villagers.
  • Old Man Bianchi and his dog Reman were on the lake when the gate opened. By the time they reached the shore, the Crisis had ended. A lone scamp was left on this side of the gate when it closed. The scamp was chased off by Reman into the woods. He lost everything, including his own family, but refused to leave. He buried the bodies, and continued his life.
  • 4E 5 - The eruption of Red Mountain brought a year of red skies obscured by ash, famine, and a wave of refugees from the northern basin of mainland Morrowind. One of the first groups of villagers found the seemingly abandoned village. After attempting to chase them away, Bianchi instead decided to accept his new neighbors. Bianchi, for his knowledge of the region, is seen as a wise man and leader, although a village council quickly forms to preserve their own customs.
  • Each of the abandoned homes quickly became occupied, and the refugees began to build more, although it couldn't hope to absorb everyone who came through. The village became a halfway point, helping Dunmer refugees find temporary safety, and through trade connections, get newcomers on their way to parts of Cyrodiil in need of extra hands.
  • 4E 6 - The Accession War begins - the Dres-controlled south of Morrowind is overrun by Argonians out for revenge for millennia of slavery and border wars. Many newer refugees are Dres, who do not get along with the largely Hlaalu group established in the village, but accept their help nonetheless.
  • 4E 8 - One family, with a pregnant mother in labor, arrived after there was absolutely no room to shelter them left. For the first time, Bianchi agreed to open his home.
  • 4E 9 - Reman dies quietly of old age. A week later, Old Man Bianchi quietly writes a note, leaving his home to the young family, and takes his boat out to the abandoned Fort across the lake.
  •  - Later that year, the family notices that Bianchi's boat hasn't been spotted on the lake in days.
Founding Date
4E 5


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