The Elder Council

The oligarchic legislative body of the Empire. Several prominent noble families appoint representatives to serve as Councilors. The heads of these families are not permitted to serve on the council themselves. Councilors serve for life unless they step down, are replaced by their respective families, or are voted out by unanimous consent of the council. The head of the Elder Council is the High Chancellor, elected among their ranks every ten years. The Emperor has veto power on any appointment, forcing a recall election.   The previous Chancellor was Ocato, whose unusual admission into the council was arranged by the machinations of Emperor Uriel VII to limit the council's power against him, and every attempt to oust him over the years had been vetoed. Ocato served honorably for decades, curtailing the ambition and corruption of the council. Despite his unpopularity among his peers, he eventually was reluctantly elected Chancellor. What compelled each of the Councilors to elevate the Emperor's best friend is not public knowledge.   When Uriel and his heirs were assassinated, the council moved unanimously to elect Ocato as Potentate, a limited executive role that allowed the Council to wrest a great deal of power back in their hands. With Ocato out of the way, they quickly elected Aposta Laudervit, an ambitious noblewoman of Camlorn, as High Chancellor.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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