
Anduran is the region at the south-western end of Artan. In the past, the region defined as Anduran was the one enclosed by the Wind-Cutters Mountains, but as the geopolitical influence of its rulers extended beyond the mountain ranges, it eventually encompassed the region further west, also known as Thamlen, and the western end of the Odravast expanses to the east, up to the banks of the Adel River. Today, the central part of the region is known as the Nobrassan Valley, named after the river that runs through it from north to south, dividing it in half.


The region is predominantly mountainous and rich in rivers. To the west it borders the Sunset Sea, which is overlooked by imposing cliffs overhung by marshland that make it difficult to build harbours. To the east, the Adel River divides it from the Odravast, a vast flat region that is not particularly rich and makes it difficult to defend settlements.
To the south, the two ranges of the Wind-Cutters reach the ocean around the Gulf of Scalforod, an inlet that offers shelter from the weather and possible incursions from the sea and is the richest and most fertile part of the region.
Wind-Cutters are difficult to cross and make communication between the three areas of the region slow. In winter, pass conditions often become prohibitive due to snowfall, and merchant and military caravans often have to wait for many weeks before they can make the crossing.
Location under
Included Organizations