Church of the Creator

The Church of the Creator is the religious institution whose roots go back to the foundation of the Kingdom of Artan, to the dawn of the Age of Artas. Over a period of 1080 years, it remained the only faith in the region, shaping the spiritual and political life of the kingdom. The fundamental dogma of the religion concerns the identification of the six-eyed dragon Zurranasseleridom as the creator of humanity, protector of the kingdom and patron of the Olestar royal family.


The Church had no religious head but was governed by its highest ranking members, the bishops. Each was the head of an episcopate, a more or less vast region that often, but not always, coincided with a territorial subdivision of the rank of duchy of the kingdom of Artan. Electing the bishops were the priests, administrators of worship at secondary sees within an episcopate. These were appointed by the bishops from among all clerics, meaning all those who had completed their religious education and who regularly assisted bishops and priests in the performance of their duties.


The cult of the Creator permeates the existence of his worshippers through the practice of individual prayer and great celebrations through collective events. As the creator of the world and of mankind, Zurranasseleridom is the recipient of all kinds of prayers from the faithful, is invoked in the form of greetings, considered the patron of every moment of life and the lord of death. Under his blessing, births and marriages are celebrated, business deals are sealed, journeys and pilgrimages are undertaken. Also recognised as the protector of the royal family since the dawn of the Kingdom of Artan, the Creator is omnipresent in the political life of the state, in its day-to-day administration and during ceremonies, both in times of peace and war.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Church of the Creator is to preserve the cult of Zurranasseleridom as the religion of the Kingdom of Artan, ensuring political and spiritual continuity for the ruling power. The Church aims to drive out other cults, suppress heresies, and strengthen the faith through the careful regulation of rituals and all religious practices.


The Church of the Creator owns buildings and property, mainly churches and outbuildings. During the Age of Artas, it also controlled a number of armed forces, the most important and well-known of which were the knights of the Order of the Dragon.

Tenets of Faith


The position of the Church of the Creator regarding magic is ambiguous to say the least. Generally, magic is seen as the prerogative of Zurranasseleridom, therefore something to be feared and respected. Men are discouraged from trying to understand it and make use of it. However, spellcasters are often frowned upon but tolerated, and only occasionally persecuted.
Founding Date
8664 (1 EA)
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Church
Permeated Organizations
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