
A map of Brundar in 1226.
  Brundar is a village located on the banks of the Kalael river, in the Barony of Kolmark.


Brundar is a Kolmarkee human settlement. The population includes small amounts of halflings, elves and half-elves.
Most of the population is engaged in agriculture and fishing and is therefore quite poor.


In keeping with Kolmarkee tradition, the village is governed by the council of the olrufs, which is responsible for resolving minor and more urgent matters that cannot be addressed by the baron of Tromdar.


Brundar is protected by a three-man high wooden palisade with walkways. However, it has no towers.

Industry & Trade

The inhabitants are mostly devoted to food production through agriculture, fishing and animal husbandry. Brundar, however, has a decent commercial position. Being at the junction between the Lattak Road and the Barrank Way, it is an almost obligatory stop for goods traveling from the north to Tromdar. For this reason it houses stables and a couple of mercantile activities.


The village is mainly built of wood, but houses a temple partially made of stone dedicated to the deities of the benevolent triad: Alben, Eirin and Avalen.
Within its walls are the only Kolmarkee bridge over the Kalael River and an important watermill for the farmers in the area.

Guilds and Factions

The village is not home to any guild but some of its artisans are members of the respective guilds of Tromdar.


Little is known about Brundar's history. The temple is of relatively recent construction, as are the walls. According to local tradition, the first inhabitants were only fishermen. There is no evidence that the village existed in imperial times but Brundar was already there when the Kingdom of Calradia founded the Barony of Kolmark.


The architecture of the village is typically Kolmarkee, with wooden buildings erected on stone-clad basements.
The houses of the olrufs feature the typical painted shields of their owners placed above or on either side of the front doors.
The wealthiest families have the wooden columns of their houses inlaid with geometric patterns.


The village is built in a relatively flat area. Beyond the surrounding farms and spruce forests, however, are rolling, low hills that are sparsely inhabited.


The climate is cold, with long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. Snow usually covers the ground during the winter. The surrounding hills and forests provide some shelter from the icy winds.

Natural Resources

The soil is not rich in minerals, but the forests provide plenty of wood for the village. The soil is fertile and productive in the warmer months, while the hills provide plenty of space for grazing animals, especially sheep.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization