Halagg Harr

Baron of Kolmark

Halagg Harr was born in 1121, the son of Torund Harr, the second baron of Kolmark. He was educated in the ways of leadership and warfare, following in the footsteps of his father.
In 1132, Halagg's father, Torund, died in battle against the Hajak barbarians of the Norkvest Tundra. Halagg, who was only 11 years old at the time, inherited the title and became the third baron of Kolmark.
As the baron, Halagg worked hard to defend Kolmark against the constant threat of the Hajak tribes. He led several successful campaigns against the barbarians, expanding the territory of Kolmark and securing its borders.
However, Halagg was not a particularly skilled administrator. He relied on the advice of his council of nobles and officials to manage the affairs of the barony. Despite this, he was a fair and just ruler, who listened to the concerns of his subjects and worked to solve their problems.
Halagg married a noblewoman from Calradia, with whom he had three sons and a daughter.
He ruled over Kolmark until his death in 1184, at the age of 63. He was remembered as a brave and valiant leader, who protected Kolmark from the dangers of the outside world.
1121 1184 63 years old
Place of Death