Torund Harr

Baron of Kolmark

Torund Harr was born in Tromdar in 1078, the son of Halund Harr. He received a good education in the ways of leadership and warfare, as he was expected to follow in his father's footsteps as the future Baron of Kolmark. Torund was a skilled warrior, who excelled in sword fighting and horsemanship. He was also known for his quick wit and his ability to think on his feet.
Torund married Livsid, the daughter of a wealthy family, in 1100. In 1121, they had a son, Halagg, who would later become the next Baron of Kolmark.
As the Baron of Kolmark, Torund worked to continue the legacy of his father. He strengthened the defenses of the region, built new fortifications, and trained the militia to be ready for any threat. He also promoted trade and commerce, and encouraged the growth of crafts and industries.
Torund's rule was not without challenges, however. The Hajak barbarians of the Norkvest Tundra, who had long been a source of trouble for Kolmark, became more aggressive and began to raid the border settlements. Torund led the Kolmarkee forces into battle against the Hajaks, determined to protect his people. In 1132, he died in combat, fighting bravely to defend Kolmark. He was mourned by the people, who remembered him as a brave leader.
1078 1132 54 years old