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Zegtuzsos - Lizardborn


The Zegtuzsos, colloquially known as the "Lizardborn," are a distinctive humanoid race hailing from the Dovahsos family, a lineage deeply connected to the ancient dragons. Residing in the heart of the Silgolt continent, they bear the visual hallmarks of their dragonblood heritage, with scales covering their backs in vibrant shades of blues, greens, and reds. These scales intensify in brilliance and richness during moments of agitation, reminiscent of their Sahrotsos cousins.
Physically, the Zegtuzsos are bipedal lizards, possessing remarkable agility that compensates for their slightly below-average intelligence compared to humans. Their large jaws, in proportion to their bodies, allow for a limited range of emotions to be conveyed, giving them a unique facial characteristic.

In times of peace, the Zegtuzsos prioritize alliances and cooperation with like-minded allies, but their history is marked by the Great Wyrm War—a conflict spanning generations that ended in their subjugation by the Revakgol empire. Despite their generally peaceful nature, the Zegtuzsos stand resilient and are ready to defend themselves against any threat to their survival. The echoes of ancient dragonkin rivalries linger in their collective memory, shaping their existence in a world where the delicate balance between peace and war, loyalty and conflict, is a persistent theme.

Basic Information


The Zegtuzsos boast a humanoid frame intricately shaped by their dragonblood lineage. Standing erect on two powerful hind limbs, their bodies exhibit a balanced symmetry, and their lower limbs terminate in clawed, digitigrade feet that provide a foundation for their remarkable agility. The muscular structure is well-developed, emphasizing strength and agility, allowing them to gracefully navigate diverse landscapes.

The torso of a Zegtuzsos is robust, with a prominent spinal ridge covered in scales that mirror the vibrant hues of their dragon heritage. These scales not only serve as a protective armor but also possess the unique ability to intensify in brilliance and richness when the Zegtuzsos is agitated, a visual display reminiscent of the Sahrotsos.

The upper limbs of the Zegtuzsos are characterized by long, sinewy muscles, culminating in three-fingered hands with sharp claws. These hands, dexterous despite their seemingly primitive appearance, allow for a range of tasks and combat maneuvers. Their fingers, though limited in number, possess a surprising level of finesse.

A defining feature of the Zegtuzsos is their comparatively large jaws, which dominate the lower portion of their face. This prominent jaw structure allows for a limited range of facial expressions but serves as a formidable weapon in combat. Their mouths house rows of sharp teeth, indicative of their carnivorous dietary habits, and provide a means for communication through their complex language, the "Little Talkers."

Internally, the Zegtuzsos possess a robust skeletal structure that supports their physical prowess. The spine runs along the center of their back, reinforcing the spinal ridge visible on their exterior. The ribcage, protective of vital organs, is well-defined and extends to accommodate the expansive lung capacity required for sustained physical exertion.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive process of the Zegtuzsos is an intricate dance intertwined with both physical and cultural elements. To propagate their species, Zegtuzsos engage in a courtship ritual that involves intricate displays of agility and physical prowess. Potential mates showcase their strength and dexterity, often engaging in mock battles or collaborative hunts to demonstrate their suitability as partners. Once a pair forms a bond through this courtship, they enter a period of exclusive partnership, marked by shared responsibilities and mutual support. During this time, the female undergoes a unique physiological change that signifies her readiness for reproduction. This transformation is a complex interplay between hormonal shifts and the influence of the dragonblood coursing through their veins.

Unlike many humanoid species, Zegtuzsos reproduction involves a form of external gestation. The female lays a small clutch of eggs in a carefully selected and protected nest. The eggs, with leathery shells bearing a resemblance to those of their dragon ancestors, require meticulous care and attention. The male and female share the responsibility of safeguarding the nest, taking turns to keep the eggs warm and protected.

The gestation period is a significant phase in Zegtuzsos culture. It spans several months, during which the expectant parents strengthen their bond and prepare for the responsibilities of parenthood. Elders and community members often play a supportive role during this time, offering guidance and ensuring the well-being of the developing offspring.

Upon the culmination of the gestation period, the eggs hatch to reveal hatchlings with scales of muted colors. The young Zegtuzsos are cared for by both parents and the community at large. Their upbringing involves a blend of physical training to enhance agility and cultural education to instill a deep sense of honor and loyalty.

Zegtuzsos reproduction, therefore, is not merely a biological process but a cultural continuum that weaves together the physical and social fabric of their society. The external gestation, shared responsibilities, and communal involvement in the upbringing of the hatchlings underscore the interconnectedness of the Zegtuzsos with their dragonblood heritage and the intricate tapestry of their existence.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life cycle of the Zegtuzsos is marked by distinct stages, each accompanied by unique physical and developmental changes. Their growth rate is generally steady, and the stages are as follows:   Hatchling Stage:   Zegtuzsos begin their lives as hatchlings, emerging from eggs. During this stage, they are small, vulnerable, and heavily reliant on parental care for nourishment and protection. Hatchlings display limited physical abilities, and their scales are often softer and less vibrant compared to adults.   Juvenile Stage:   As Zegtuzsos grow older, they enter the juvenile stage. During this phase, they experience a rapid growth spurt both in size and physical capabilities. Juveniles start developing their agility and begin to explore their surroundings. Their scales gain more vibrant colors, reflecting their dragonblood heritage. This stage is marked by increased independence as young Zegtuzsos learn essential survival skills from their elders.   Adolescent Stage:   The adolescent stage is a crucial period of maturation for Zegtuzsos. They undergo significant physical and hormonal changes, reaching a stage where they are ready to contribute to the community. This phase involves the development of their unique facial characteristics, including the growth of a larger jaw. It's during adolescence that Zegtuzsos begin to actively participate in the cultural and social aspects of their society.   Adult Stage:   Upon reaching adulthood, Zegtuzsos are fully developed both physically and intellectually. They have attained their maximum size and display the full range of their dragonblood abilities. Adult Zegtuzsos contribute to various aspects of society, from hunting and gathering to participating in political and cultural activities. Their scales are at their most vibrant, especially during moments of heightened emotion or in the heat of battle.   Elder Stage:   The elder stage marks the later years of a Zegtuzsos' life. While they may experience a gradual decline in physical prowess, their wisdom and experience make them valuable members of the community. Elders often take on advisory roles and contribute to the preservation of cultural traditions. Their scales may exhibit a muted brilliance compared to adults, reflecting the passage of time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They mostly eat meat, not always cooked and sometimes they knew it personally.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the Zegtuzsos, or Lizardborn, is intricately organized and governed by a sense of honor, loyalty, and hierarchy. The following elements contribute to the complexity of their social organization:
Local Villages and Juns:
  The Zegtuzsos communities are organized into local villages, each led by a leader known as a "Jun." These Juns are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day affairs of their respective villages. The Jun serves as a figure of authority and decision-making within the community, managing internal matters and representing the interests of the village.  
Mulaagjun and Empire Governance:
  Multiple local villages, each with its own Jun, are overseen by a higher-ranking authority called a "Mulaagjun." The Mulaagjun is a leader who holds authority over several Juns and their villages. In the context of the Revakgol empire, there are currently 12 Mulaagjuns, indicating a larger political and social structure beyond individual villages. The Mulaagjuns play a crucial role in maintaining cohesion and order among the Zegtuzsos, ensuring unity and cooperation among the various communities.  
Pahthur - The Decadal Leader:
  Every ten years, the Mulaagjuns come together to elect a supreme leader known as the "Pahthur." This individual functions as a king-like figure and is tasked with leading the Zegtuzsos of the Revakgol empire for the next decade. The Pahthur holds significant authority and is responsible for making decisions that impact the entire Zegtuzsos population, especially in times of conflict or major events.  
Hierarchy and Cooperation:
  The hierarchical structure, from local Juns to the supreme Pahthur, reflects a balance between centralized authority and local autonomy. This structure promotes cooperation and alliance-building among Zegtuzsos communities. The Zegtuzsos value honor and loyalty, and their social structure is designed to foster unity in both times of peace and conflict.
  In summary, the Zegtuzsos' social structure is characterized by a combination of local autonomy and centralized authority, with leaders at various levels overseeing the well-being and interests of their communities. This structure is underpinned by a rich cultural tapestry and a strong sense of honor, loyalty, and cooperation.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Zegtuzsos, or Lizardborn, have established their communities predominantly in the eastern half of the Silgolt continent. This geographic distribution centers around the heart of Silgolt, where ancient legends and dragonkin civilizations intersect. Within this region, various landscapes and environments have become the diverse habitats of the Zegtuzsos.
The epicenter of their civilization lies in the expansive empire of Revakgol, a dominant political entity that plays a significant role in the lives of the Zegtuzsos. Most of their population resides within the boundaries of the Revakgol empire, contributing to its complex social structure and political organization.

Average Intelligence

The Zegtuzsos possess a level of intelligence that is slightly below the average human intelligence. This implies that, on average, their cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and intellectual capacities are not as advanced as those of the typical human. While their intelligence may be considered moderate, the Zegtuzsos compensate for this with other strengths, such as remarkable agility and a strong sense of honor and loyalty within their society.
It's important to note that intelligence can vary among individuals within any species, and the characterization of the Zegtuzsos as having slightly below-average intelligence is a generalization based on the average capabilities of their population.The Zegtuzsos, or Lizardborn, have established their communities predominantly in the eastern half of the Silgolt continent. This geographic distribution centers around the heart of Silgolt, where ancient legends and dragonkin civilizations intersect. Within this region, various landscapes and environments have become the diverse habitats of the Zegtuzsos.
The epicenter of their civilization lies in the expansive empire of Revakgol, a dominant political entity that plays a significant role in the lives of the Zegtuzsos. Most of their population resides within the boundaries of the Revakgol empire, contributing to its complex social structure and political organization.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Zegtuzsos, with their dragonblood heritage and unique cultural tapestry, hold distinctive views on other sapient and intelligent species inhabiting the vast landscapes of the Silgolt continent. Their perception is shaped by a blend of ancient legends, historical conflicts, and the intricate dance between peace and war that defines their existence.   In times of peace, the Zegtuzsos approach other species with a generally open and cooperative mindset. They value alliances and seek common ground, dedicating themselves to building relationships with those who share similar ideals. The "Little Talkers," as they are colloquially known, attempt to bridge linguistic and cultural gaps, showcasing a genuine interest in understanding and coexisting with diverse societies.   However, the echoes of the Great Wyrm War, a harrowing chapter that nearly tore the Zegtuzsos apart, linger in their collective memory. This historical scar has instilled a sense of caution and wariness, especially when dealing with powerful and expansionist empires. The Zegtuzsos, while generally peaceful, are resilient and ready to take up arms against any force that threatens the survival of their kind.   The Zegtuzsos view the dragons of old with reverence, considering them not only as ancestors but as powerful and majestic beings. There exists a deep sense of connection and cultural pride in being dragonkin, and this shapes their interactions with other species. They may approach dragons with a mixture of respect, awe, and, in some cases, a desire to emulate their legendary ancestors.   The attitude toward less humanoid or more exotic species varies. Creatures of the wild and mythical beings are often seen with a blend of curiosity and caution. The Zegtuzsos, being intimately connected to the environment, may form unique bonds with certain creatures, recognizing a symbiotic relationship that goes beyond mere coexistence.   Intriguingly, their views on more technologically advanced species might be a mix of fascination and skepticism. The Zegtuzsos, grounded in a world where dragonblood and ancient legends hold significance, may find it challenging to fully comprehend the advancements and innovations of societies driven by different principles.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Dovahsos Mal
Pindaar, Strunmah, Veydo
40 years
Average Height
1.5 - 1.7m
Average Weight
45 - 60kg
Average Length
1.7 - 2.0m
Average Physique
The Zegtuzsos have a relatively large and robust upper body, with well-developed shoulders and arms. Their hands are equipped with claws, providing them with natural weapons and tools. The scales on their arms are often more closely packed, offering additional protection to these extremities. The fingers may be dexterous, allowing for a certain level of manipulation, but they retain a hint of the clawed, reptilian structure.
The scales on their backs may extend to form crests or frills, adding to their overall visual appeal and, potentially, serving as a display of dominance or emotion during certain social interactions. During moments of heightened emotion or physical exertion, the scales on their bodies intensify in brilliance and richness, creating a striking visual display.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Zegtuzsos display a stunning array of body tint, coloring, and markings that are a testament to their dragonblood heritage. Their scales, covering their backs, are adorned with a rich palette of colors, creating a visually striking appearance.   Base Colors:
  The base colors of Zegtuzsos scales include various shades of blues, greens, and reds. These colors often intermingle, creating a mesmerizing pattern across their bodies. Blues can range from deep sapphire to azure, while greens encompass emerald and forest hues. Reds may manifest as crimson or fiery orange, adding warmth to their overall appearance.  
Brilliance and Intensity:
  When agitated, whether in battle or strong emotional states, the scales of Zegtuzsos exhibit an intensified brilliance and richness. This phenomenon adds a dynamic element to their visual presentation, symbolizing their connection to the powerful dragons of old.  
  Intricate markings may decorate their scales, showcasing patterns reminiscent of dragon motifs. These markings often hold cultural or familial significance, representing aspects of their history, achievements, or personal stories. Markings may vary among individuals, making each Zegtuzsos unique in their appearance. Some may bear bold and pronounced patterns, while others might have more subtle, intricate designs.  
Adaptations to Environment:
  The Zegtuzsos' coloration may adapt to their environment, providing them with a degree of natural camouflage. This adaptive feature allows them to blend into different landscapes, enhancing their agility and ability to navigate diverse terrains.  
Cultural Influences:
  The Zegtuzsos may incorporate dyes or pigments into their scales as a form of cultural expression or to signify specific events or roles within their society. This practice further contributes to the diversity of colors and markings among individuals.
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