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Annabeth Chase

Annabeth Chase (a.k.a. The Daughter of Klee, The Daughter of Knowledge, Wise Girl)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Annabeth has a slender build and is of average height which causes her to often be eye to eye with many races and creatures.

Special abilities

Fighting Skills: Annabeth is a highly proficient combatant. Though she is more capable with weapons, her hand-to-hand combat skills are considerable.   Superhuman Agility: Being the daughter of the king of gods , Annabeth has shown countless times her amazing agility. She is able to make incredible feats.   Superhuman Strength: Being the daughter of the king of gods, Annabeth is stronger than the average mortal.   Superhuman Durability: Being the daughter of the king of gods, Annabeth is more durable than a regular human. She fell from a great height but only suffered a hurt ankle.   Strategic Skill: Like her father, Annabeth is a master tactician herself. Her analytical skills are extremely sharp, which helps her to try to outsmart her opponents through creative plans. She has continuously proven to be able to formulate effective pre and mid-battle strategies. Percy acknowledges that Annabeth is the best strategist he knows.   Willpower: Annabeth has amazing will power.   First Aid (limited): Annabeth has a limited knowledge of first aid, allowing her create a splint for her broken ankle.   Weapon Proficiency: She can instinctively know how to use any weapon.   Knifemanship: Unlike most demigods who use mid-range weapons, Annabeth is shown to prefer and fight better with a knife rather than with a sword. She trained in knife fighting since the age of seven. Her skill is great shown enough to fight on par with a skilled fighter like Leon Kennedy.   Archery: Annabeth is shown to be somewhat skilled combatant with a bow.   Swordsmanship: Annabeth is very skilled with swords, able to hold her own against larger, stronger opponents.   Disarmament: She can easily disarm almost anybody from their weapons.   Genius Intellect: Due to her heritage as a daughter of Klee, the god of Knowledge, Annabeth holds outstanding intelligence. She is very knowledgeable in history and myths, which is very useful in journeys and battles.   Craftsmanship: Because her father is the god of Creativity, Annabeth inherited her crafting skill to certain extent.   Architecture: Annabeth often studies ancient buildings and designs her own works, such as a temple for the gods. She can calculate the respective weights of several construction materials with few glances.   Weaving: Annabeth's hands move with "blazing speed" to make a rope with threads, even though it was her first time weaving and eventually stopped thinking about the task.   Memorization: She can never forget what she hears.   Persuasion: She is shown to be very manipulative and eloquent, as she has easily manipulated mortals, monsters, and gods.

Apparel & Accessories

Annabeth often wears a ponytail, an orange robe, and often wears her magical Cloak of Invisibility during fights, since it turns her invisible. She also wears a coral pendant that Percy gave her on a leather necklace.

Specialized Equipment

Cloak of Invisibility: A valued and useful possession is Annabeth's Cloak of Invisibility.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Independent, Logic, Strategy, Determined, Curious, Innovation, Higher on conscientiousness,Quiet, Rational, Creative, Decisive, Harmony minded, Intuitive, Insightful, Original, Reserved, Structured


Family Ties

Annabeth is the daughter of Klee, the God of Earth and an unknown female human.


Annabeth Chase

Lover (Vital)

Towards Percy Jackson



Percy Jackson

Lover (Vital)

Towards Annabeth Chase



Nicknames & Petnames

Owl Head, Fishy, Wise Girl, Seaweed Brain

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Daughter of Klee, The Daughter of Knowledge, The Creator's Daughter, The Earth's Daughter, The mortal Princess of the Gods, The Daughter of Creativity
Date of Birth
12 of Kyzergarakora 1488
The new Village of York
Current Residence
stormy grey
long, honey-blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white, tanned
1.79 m
65 kg
Known Languages
Human language, Language of animals, Bestial, Draconic, Onigo, Orcrun, Elfara, Dwarfian


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