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Artemus, the God of the Hunt

Prince Artemus, God of the Hunt (a.k.a. The Survival King, The almighty Hunter, The Traveler's Guider, The Merchant Protector, The second Prince of Gods, The Lord of Nature)

Divine Domains

Hunting, Survival, Nature, Travelers, Merchants, Archery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His attributes are a silver bow, his sacred animals are the deer, stags, bears, guinea fowl, bee, snakes and hunting dogs, his sacred plants are the flowering almond, hazel, ranunculus, honeysuckle, thistle, the fir tree and the cypress tree, his sacred colors are white and green, his sacred gems and metals are moonstone, quartz, crystal, silver, turquoise, iron, aluminum, and diamonds

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Artemus has a well build and quite height figure which causes him to often over tower or be eye to eye with most races and creatures.

Body Features

Artemus appears as a middle aged man, most often of Afro America decent with dark brown hair and a fit but aging body. Over the centuries he has been becoming thinner, but no so much that he looks ill. He is rather tanned as well, and often keeps his face scruffy but never growing a full beard.

Facial Features

Three scars are over his right eye from his battle with the God of Pest, only displayed in his mortal form from his upper forehead to his chin. The hunter god's eyes are rather unique even among the gods as well, being almost entirely silver, with his irises slightly brighter in color by his own personal choice on how to appear in mortal form.

Special abilities

Enhanced Hunting: As the God of Hunting, Artemus is an unrivaled master of hunting and tracking. He can help heroes more directly since wild animals and monsters are in his domain.   Archery: As the God of Archery, Artemus is an extremely skilled archer. His arrows strike his target no matter how far they are though it might be magic. Hos aim is so incredibly precise and fast.   Knifemanship: Artemus has amazing agility and impeccable expertise at using long hunting knives in close combat.   Prowess in Battle: Artemus is shown to be extremely formidable in battle. He was trusted by Klee to kill any powerful monsters that treatened.   Hunting Transfiguration: Artemus can transform ordinary objects and creatures into things associated with hunting.   Strategic Skill: Artemus is very tactical in combat. He effectively utilizes certain advantages that he possesses against enemies.   Wilderness Manipulation: As the God of the Nature, Artemus has divine authority and absolute control over the forests, including its inhabitants and surroundings.   Animal Authority: Artemus has divine authority over wild animals, primarily over wolves, hawks, and stags.   Animal Replenishing: He can replenish the animals he kills, thus balancing the fauna.   Zoolingualism: He can communicate with wild animals.   Atmokinesis: Artemus has absolute control over the elements surrounding her domain, though to a lesser extent than his father and mother.   Aerokinesis (limited): Artemus can control and manipulate air. He can halt the wind at least in the immediate vicinity of the Hunt, even in a snowy day.   Chlorokinesis: Artemus has control over the plants over any forest and its surroundings. He controls every aspect from its trees to the ground.   Enhanced Vision: He can see clearly in the dark.   Teleportation: He travels through waves of light, which can blind people.   Constellations Creation: Artemus can transform people into groups of stars once they have died.   Artemus' Blessing: As the God of Hunting and Nature, Artemus is capable of granting eternal youth, immunity to illness, enhanced hunting skills, and superhuman physical abilities greater than that of a demigod. Should his chosens break their vow, he can strip them of the powers he grants.   Shapeshifting: As a god, Artemus has the power of shapeshifting, which allows to turn himself into any animal.   Vitakinesis: As a god, Artemus has the power of healing despite it not being his specialty.

Apparel & Accessories

Artemus often wears a white hunter robe, brown pants and dark brown leather boots.

Specialized Equipment

Silver bow and arrow, silver knife, silver dagger

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Flexible, Practical, Calm, Independent, Curious, Detached, Excellent troubleshooter, Logic, Realistic, Reserved, Resourceful, Protective, Kind, Leaderful, Sometimes Playful


Family Ties

Klee, the God of Earth is his Father. Koral, the Goddess of the Sea is his Mother.


Artemus, the God of the Hunt

Brother (Important)

Towards Lucifer, the God of Angels



Lucifer, the God of Angels

Brother (Important)

Towards Artemus, the God of the Hunt



Aylin Turan

Lover (Important)

Towards Artemus, the God of the Hunt



Artemus, the God of the Hunt

Lover (Important)

Towards Aylin Turan



Divine Classification
Minor God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Survival King, The almighty Hunter, The Traveler's Guider, The Merchant Protector, The second Prince of Gods, The Lord of Nature, The Master of Archers
Date of Birth
Realm of Gods
Aylin Turan (Lover)
Current Residence
Realm of Gods
long, curly, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark, deep tanned
1.8m (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Artemus can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker.


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