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Din Djarin

Din Djarin (a.k.a. Mando, The Hunter, The Bounty Hunter, The Deadly Arrow)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Din has a well build and of average height which causes him to often be eye to eye with many races and creatures.

Special abilities

Expert Fighter: As Monster Hunter, he has been extensively trained from a young age, making him an expert in hand-to-hand combat. He was able to defend himself against most ambush attacks. Mando also proves to be good at mastering spear combat.   Expert Marksman: Mando is extremely competent in various types of crossbows, whether shooting long or short distance. He is also a highly skilled archer.   Skilled Mechanic: Mando is also a some kind of skilled mechanic.   Physically Enhanced: As a son of Kurama, Din is very strong, fast and agile due to having the physical structure, upper body strength, and muscularity of a warrior.   Telumkinesis: Being a child of Kurama makes him an expert in all weapon usage and he has even have some degree of magical control over them. Mando is shown to be skilled in wielding a spear, sword and knife, though his favored weapon is his infamous silver spear modified with Razorwhip scales.   Weapon Conjuration: Djarin is able to transform any object around him into any weapon and/or tool through sheer concentration.   Weapon Curses: Mando is able to place curses on his opponents' weapons.   Necromancy (limited): Din can summon the losing undead soldiers from any war. Din's powers over the dead are far inferior to that of the children of Azrael.   Odikinesis: As a result of being the son of Kurama, Mando has limited control and influence over the emotions of war (such as hate and rage).   Powerful Scream (limited): Mando is able to generate a powerful scream capable of causing his opponents extreme pain and discomfort.

Apparel & Accessories

Djarin is a warrior who initially wore a set of iron and leather armor utilizing pieces, which included a shoulder pauldron, helmet, and heartplate.    The bounty hunter began replacing some of the damaged armor pieces with Razorwhip scales. Eventually, he achieved a full scale body suit of a helmet, plated vest, two pauldrons, two vambraces, two gauntlets, two greaves, and two boots.    Djarin's final suit also includs non-scaly components, including bandoliers, his Monster Hunter Guild' green hooded cloak, and a belt with a crossbow and silver knife holster. Din also is sometimes seen in his Monster Hunter uniform, with a light gray button-up shirt underneath, along with his trademark white ascot.

Specialized Equipment

Silver knife, crossbow and silver bolts, silver spear modified with Razorwhip scales

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Seasoned Tracker of the Monster Hunter Guild, Bounty Hunter

Intellectual Characteristics

Honest, Practical, Stubborn, Insensitive, Loyal, Realistic, Responsible, Structured, Blunt, Cautious, Conscientious, Conventional, Decisive, Independent, Tends to blame himself, Judgmental, Logic, Organized, Risk averse, Sensing, Traditional


Family Ties

Din is the son of Kurama the God of War and an unknown female human. Din is also the adoptive father of Grogu Djarin.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Hunter, The Bounty Hunter, The Deadly Arrow, The Son of War, Seasoned Tracker Hunter, The Razorwhip, The Spear Master, The silver Hunter
Date of Birth
12th of Arachnarok 1469
Current Residence
Main Hall of the Monster Hunter Guild at the new Village of York
short, dark brown, slightly messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Human Language, Elfara, Dwarfian
Character Prototype
Pedro Pascal


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