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Grogu Djarin

Grogu Djarin (a.k.a. The Child, Kiddo, The Son of Klee, The mortal Prince of Gods, The King´s Son, The little Prince, The Son of the Razorwhip, The Son of the silver Hunter)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Grogu has green, scaly skin and a few white strands of hair, with brown eyes. He is small, 0.90, which causes him to often be over towered by most races and creatures.

Special abilities

Telekinesis: Grogu can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them, and he utilizes it for offensive or defensive purposes. He was able to lift a feral Minotauros to prevent it from killing Mando although the sheer amount of effort require to do this caused him to faint and not wake up for several days.   Telekinetic Choke: Grogu can telekinetically choke his opponents to either weaken, kill or intimidate them.   Telekinetic Grip: Grogu can telekinetically lift his opponents off the ground and into the air, sometimes by the neck, to immobilize them. He lifted once a feral Minotauros in order to save Din.   Telekinetic Barrier: Grogu can create a barrier or wall of telekinetic energy in front of or surrounding himself or his allies. He is able to create one to save his companions by creating one to hold back a stream of fire coming from a Fireworm Queen.   Healing: Grogu can heal himself or other sentient beings from physical injuries.   Reptilian Physiology: Being half a Reptilian, Grogu possess a variety of superhuman attributes that will grow stronger with age.   Superhuman Strength: He possesses sufficient superhuman strength to lift about 150kg. His physical strength in his legs also allows him to leap about 5 meters into the air.   Superhuman Speed: Grogu can run and move at speeds 10 times greater than a human child of his age.   Superhuman Stamina: Grogus' advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for about 12 hours before fatigue begins to impair him.   Superhuman Durability: Grogus' scaly skin and superhumanly enhanced bodily tissues provide him much greater resistance to physical injury than an ordinary human. He can withstand great impact forces, falls from great heights, and small caliber bullets without sustaining injury.   Superhuman Agility: Grogus' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced that they are beyond the natural physical limits of even the human.   Superhuman Reflexes: Grogus' reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the human.   Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite Grogu's physical durability, he can sustain physical injury. However, if injured, his body is able to rapidly regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Grogus' healing powers are developed to the point where he can fully regenerate missing limbs, just like many known reptile species.   Claws: Grogus' fingers and toes are each tipped with razor sharp claws that, combined with his natural strength, are able to cut most conventional materials including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and some types of metals.   Wall Crawling: Grogu's has the same adhesive properties that a gecko has, which allows him to scale walls.   Reptilian Empathy: Grogu´s can telepathically communicate and control all forms of reptilian life within a 30 meter distance.

Apparel & Accessories

A short light brown robe

Specialized Equipment

Chainmail Armor: Grogu has a chainmail armor which was crafted by an armorer of the Monster Hunter Guild at the request of Din Djarin and was forged from Djarin's first silver spear.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Creativity, Empathy, Loyal, Imaginative, Reflective, Thoughtful, Intelligent, Auxiliary, Compassionate, Flexible, Idealistic, Inferior, Insightful, Internally aware, Makes decisions based on emotion, Philosophy, Private, Tertiary, Intuitive, Judgmental, Laid back


Family Ties

Grogu is the son of Klee, the God of Earth and an unknown female Reptilian. Din Djarin is his adoptive father.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Son of Klee, The mortal Prince of Gods, The King´s Son, The little Prince, The Son of the Razorwhip, The Son of the silver Hunter, The Son of the Spear Master, The Son of the Deadly Arrow, The Son of the Hunter, The Descendant of Klee, The Son of the Bounty Hunter, The Descendant of the Wars Son
Date of Birth
6th of Arachnarok 1503
The Misty Swamps
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Main Hall of the Monster Hunter Guild at the new Village of York
few strands, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
green, scaly
0.90 cm
Known Languages
Human Language, Elfara, Dwarfian


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