Chessit's Abandoned Treasures

This pan shop in the Prolegart district is small but well built.  It is know to be trustworthy, holding on to items traded for golds for two weeks, allowing the owners to return to buy back the items (At a small mark up) before offering them for sale to the general public.     The building is a one story building with a store front with a large glass window.  The owner, an a Grey Elf, named Jasper, seems to be a nice person, unless one gets on his bad side.

Purpose / Function

The shop buy good from people looking to make quick money.  They pay a fraction of what they are worth, but offer to hold them for two weeks, and will sell them back.  After the two weeks, they can sell the items to anyone.


Jasper the owner, set up shop in Hilston after leaving Sanction after the Vemoraxx took hold there.  He owned an inn in Eroth, and was expecting to open one here, but found that the halfling of the city had cornered the markets on inn ownership.  Instead he used his funds to open a pawn shop.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
The World of Nor

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