Gold Coast

The Gold Coast area is currently ruled by the kingdom of Pharesia. The large number of inlets and bays serve as the home ports for the largest mercantile fleet in the Known World. The fertile hills and plains also produce a surplus of food, which the aforementioned fleet ships far and wide. The Gold Coast is thus something of a "breadbasket" for other nations,particularly when periods of bad weather strike those nations with poor harvests.


The area known as the Gold Coast runs along the southern coast of the Solaran Sea from the base of Cape Storm in the east for about 300 miles to the west. The area's southern border is a line of mountains separating it from arid, desert-like terrain. This mountain range is 50 to 100 miles from the coast, and has only a few known passes.   Between the mountain range and the sea, the Gold Coast is mostly rolling hills and plains, with a few local areas of steeper hills. Abundant rainfall, with few periods of drought, result in many lakes and rivers. The rivers in turn empty into the sea via many inlets and bays. The shear number of navigable waterways that can accommodate ships has made it impossible for opposing nations to impose any sort of blockade on the Gold Coast inhabitants. It also makes it impossible for the local government to eliminate smuggling.
Coast / Shore
Included Organizations


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