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Lara Berg

Lara Berg were born into a grime family on 31th of August 2329. The term grime describes individuals who only have hearer blood in their veins and were never effected by the Curse vaccines side effect. Lara therefor grew up in a strong hearing culture where talking, music and hearer history played a big part. Although talk were her mother tongue, Laras parents very much signed to her and taught her about deaf culture. It was important to Laras mother Lena that her daughter would be able to be just as a big part of the deaf as the hearers, and not feel as if she didn't belong because she wouldn't sign as fluently or understand deaf culture as well. While other grimes or hearers would live in the same neighborhoods, go to the same schools and attend the same hearer parties, Lena made sure that Lara would meet and connect with all sorts of people. The Berg family lived in Little Valley, at the outskirts of Nordens capital city St. Karolin. A city district known for housing mainly hearers. Instead of the closest, hearer crowded elementary school were all Laras childhood friends and neighbors went, Lena chose to put Lara in the Olaus Petri School at the city centre, making Lara one of only five hearing students out of 900. Although Lara was the odd man out at school, she would never feel ashamed for her culture. While other hearers would hide their hearing in public, Lara would let her classmates lip read if she didn't feel as signing, use headphones at lunch breaks and eagerly sign about her family's heritage. For this very reason, Lara was not the most popular kid at school. Other children wouldn't sign with her, saying that she would just gossip about it to the hearers in Little Valley. They would call her a grime and ask whether her ancestors actually had the curse vaccine or if she and her family was still infected with "grimed blood". She was even told that she would never amount to anything since her hearing made her distracted and unfocused. But Lara wouldn't budge. She continued being a proud hearer and was happy with her few deaf friends who wouldn't reduce her only to her hearing.   In the election 2345 when the Founders won, Lara, now at the age of 16, was mad. As she grew up and the Founders kept gaining more support Lara witnessed how her hometown became hostile and how her hearer and deaf friends changed. Hate crimes against hearers eventually became a daily occurrence, hearers would not speak in public and the few deaf friends she had pulled away. Even the action of sign-speaking - signing and speaking at the same time when communicating to both deaf and hearers - were suddenly seen as rude and were avoided at all cost. Hearing culture had no place in Norden anymore and all people were expected to act as if deaf. The day the Founders gained majority, the hostile attitude against hearers was more evident than ever. The day of the presidential inauguration thousands of people, reporters and television were gathered at the big square in St. Karolin. Just in a few minutes, the new president Sara Olsen and her faction would come up on the stage everyone waited by, to participate in the traditional ceremony declaring the change of government. The crowd was joyful and eager for the new president to make her entry. But also silent. Waving hands in the air, some jumping up and down trying to get a glance of the stage, signing to each other about their expectations. "This will end the equal school bill for good!", "Finally some order to this hearer mayhem.", "Hearers are going to have to step it up.". In the middle of the crowd stood the tall Lara, seeing all the excitement, the deaf's conversations and their complete disregard towards her people. Lara were fuming, she wouldn't take it any longer. Elbowing her way through the crowd, using her tall, lean body to pass everyone who stood in her way. She couldn't stand another second witnessing people celebrating the greater country that would become thanks to the Founders, at cost of the hearers. Lara had to get out of the crowd. And up to the stage. Everybody turned around and let their hands fall down against their thighs. People looked at each other, unsure about what was about to happen. Standing straight, shoulders back and head held high Lara were standing at the middle of the empty stage. Lara put up her hands, opened her mouth and began sign-speaking.   Laras words made commotion. Her voice were praised by hearers, and her hands feared by deaf. From that day on, Lara became the voice of the hearers. She arranged protests, rallies and meetings. All to unite her people and stand up against the Founders. She was trusted and highly-respected by hearers, she was supposed to lead them to freedom. Which applies still to this day.
Curly, black, bob
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
60 kg

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