
General Philipp Gherheim

Philipp is a mercenary, originally from Etrokien from where he fled in one of the arks, to avoid the death by an all consuming fog. Nowadays he is the uprising general of the 2nd Legion of the Bulls, trying on one hand to survive and on the other side to somehow fullfill an oath that he never took.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born around 30 years ago in the far Land of Etrokien in the City of Alaspar Philipp was raised to be a carpenter. He learned how to read and write from his parents - Leorin and Edima Gherheim - who worked too as carpenter in the big trading city. Soon Philipp realised that he doesn't fit in as a craftsman, altough he finished his training, and joined a mercenary group called Kords Company. After some years of fighting and participating in certain events like the Intrigue of Sergafurt, Expedition to the Stonespruceforest or the catastrophic Silent Battle. The last one was the reason for the end of Kords Company. Philipp, by then ranked as the second in command, decided to leave the country to sail east. There he entered one of the big arks, to start a new adventure - one that would change his life dramatically.


Philipp is a learned carpenter - altough he didn't work a lot during the recent years. Probably because his fokus now lies more on two things: surviving and enhancing his abilities to survive. Mainly through fighting and trickery.   Philipp would be a fairly good archer if it wouldn't be for some greater reasons, that he rarely hits his targets. Frustrating with this unbreakable rule he recently started to learn some druidic magic from the woodelves of the Akrina'Hari Tribe. Altough he just started with his training, he shows some talent - which also leads to a better understanding in the communication with Xina, his tiger companion.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
General of the 2nd Legion of the Bulls
Year of Birth
965 ai 36 Years old
Current Residence
Brown shortcut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
Aligned Organization