2nd Legion of the Bulls

The 2nd Legion of the Bulls, was officially founded 890 AE in preparation for the Siege of Gharlarad by the Army of Ikan. Yet this merely put an official seal on an organization that existed in one way or the other since the earliest military endeavors of the Empire of Alharien.   The 2nd Legion was explicitly founded as a penal Legion. The commanding structure was exclusively comprised of the Soldiers from other Legions that got sentenced to serve in this legion as atonement for their crimes. Most of the recruits of the legion were comprised of criminals of various criminals that sought to reduce their sentence by serving in the 2nd Legion.   While as parts of the Bulls, the Legion was officially equipped as heavy infantry - the rather mixed composition of it's members lead to a equally mixed composition of equipment and tactics. This versatility combined with the perceived "disposable" nature of it's members lead to a wide variety of operations the 2nd Legion had to part take in. These military maneuvers were often accompanied by entire Lances of other Legions solely tasked with tracking down and killing any deserters.   All this culminated in an overall legendary reputation of the Legion. Due to them being assigned the most dangerous tasks and suffering casualties magnitudes higher then other legions - them being constantly faced with overwhelming odds also meant that they overcome some of these overwhelming odds. Many local folklore has stories about heroic acts of the 2nd Legion of the Bulls that are remembered to this day. The most notably story probably involves the involvement in the Slave Wars of Gharlarad. In this bloody conflicts fought by nobles of Gharlarad and carried out by sheer endless numbers of slaves was single handily stopped by a buffer zone created and uphold by the 2nd Legion - against official orders from the Ikan high command. While this selfless act is remembered by the slaves of Gharlarad to this day - many historians claim this conflict and the ensuing backlash from nobles all over the Alharien Empire as the beginning of it's end.    

Duties of the Second Legion

The 2nd Legion of the Bulls had a Keep in the Desert of Gharlarad along the Ghazanar. This keep was deliberately placed as strategic position that allowed for fast deployment all over Gharlarad - while also being in an inhospitable desert, deterring any of the involuntary soldiers from trying to escape.   Most commonly the Legion would be tasks with quenching any violent uprisings in Gharlarad if the local nobles deemed it so necessary. But occasionally the 2nd Legion would also be included in other larger military operations all over the empire.   During the late days of the Empire the Legion was additionally tasks with the manning of the Southward Keep as well as establishing a presence in the wild Valley of Hardef.  

The Vanishing of the 2nd Legion

In the last days of the Empire of Alharien the 2nd Legion of the Bulls was ordered to the Southward Keep for a last undisclosed mission. This should be the last mission before a final march to their Keep and the subsequent dissolving of the Legion according to rules outlined in the Contract of the Dragon. Yet this undisclosed mission was never reported as finished and the 2nd Legion of the Bulls vanished.   While the loss of an entire legion of cause did not went unnoticed, the general chaos in the end days of the Empire of Alharien and the sudden disappearance of the Owls of Ikan that simply did not left any resources to further investigate. By the time the commanding structure in the Army of Ikan found it's footing again, the fate of the 2nd Legion of the Bulls was already shrouded in mysteries. A mysteries that inspired many adventures - but never got resolved.  

Rise of the 2nd Legion

In the year 1000 AI a small group of adventures made an appearance bearing the magical seal ring of the commander of the legion commander. While met with skepticism, the subsequent actions of this newly arisen Legion should soon proof to hold up to the legendary repute of the 2nd Legion of the Bulls.


  • Keep of the 2nd Legion


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