Gharlarad Geographic Location in Norien | World Anvil



Gharlarad is dominated by a vast sand desert. The land is barren and inhospitable. All but the wandering Nomads, with generations of knowledge of the few sources of water, are able to survive here. Across the region bends and carves the mighty Ghazanar it's way through the desert. The yearly floods brought fourth by this mighty stream make the surrounding soil fertile. Indeed so fertile is the land, that multiple harvest a year feed not only the large population of this nation, but in the entire continent. So vital is the river, that it is revered as a goodness by the local populous.   The southern mountain range called the Echo Mountains is as well the southern border of the region, as well the southern border of what most people know of the world.   In the east border the Eversea and the Fireisle.   The north is bordering on Albrien.   To the east a vast steppe stretches across the lands.

Natural Resources

The land along the Ghazanar is extremely fertile allowing for multiple harvest in a year. The grains and produce from this land feed the majority of Norien.   The northern border or Gharlarad is rich in metals like copper and tin - as well we some gems.
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