Daran Edermath Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Daran Edermath

A fit, silver-haired half-elf well over a hundred years old, Daran is a fighter who served as a marshal and herald for many years in the lands of the Dragon Coast, far to the southeast. Upon retiring, he returned to the Neverwinter region, his original home. Daran is a member of the Order of the Gauntlet, a devout and vigilant group that seeks to protect others from the depredations of evildoers. Though he is no longer active in the order, he keeps an eye on happenings around Phandalin. He is happy to trade news with fellow adventurers, especially those who appear to hold to these virtues.   His orchard grows the most delicious apples in the region and he is always looking to swap stories with adventurers over some cider.   He asked the party to investigate reports of undead at the Old Owl Well to the northeast of Phandalin.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1259 DR 142 Years old
Aligned Organization