Northwest faerûn The Search for the Dwarven Runestones

The Search for the Dwarven Runestones

Discovery, Exploration


The party performs various favors for the townsfolk of Phandalin while searching for the dwarven runestones in the area between Phandalin and Conyberry.

When the 3 arrive at Conyberry, they decide to spend the last few hours of daylight to setup a makeshift base in an abandoned stone home. Marri'Elle catches some small game for dinner and they sit down for the evening and talk. The next morning they head to seek out the banshee's lair in the forest. Upon arrival, Marri'Elle is paralyzed with fear at the horrifying visage of the banshee. Trinn cautiously approaches and appeals to her vanity, giving her the comb that Sister Garaele gave him. Agatha agrees to divine the answer to any one question the party asks. They choose to ask where Bowgentle's spellbook is for Sister Garaele. Agatha tells them that she sold it to a necromancer named Tsernoth over 100 years ago, but knows nothing beyond that. Agatha vanishes from view and the party returns to Conyberry. Garret and Valamin escort Gundren back to Phandalin safely and head back out to catch up to the party. They rendezvous with the others late afternoon the next day.   The party heads out to the nearby Old Owl Well to investigate for Daran. In the center of the ruins, they notices a well maintained tent. Trinn scouts out the ruins with Athena and notices 12 zombies standing motionless inside the ruins of the tower. As they try to sneak around, they are called out to by a person who comes out of the tent. Seeming friendly, the party moves in the ruins to greet him and they see a pale male human necromancer. He says he controls the zombies and that he is investigating the tower for personal reasons. His undead have run off miners, but never hurt any. The nearby orcs at Wyvern Tor have been problematic however. He offers a reward if they clear them out for him. Seeing as how the orcs are problematic for many, they spend the rest of the day heading towards the tor.   The party arrives during the night and decides to stage an ambush. They execute the lone guard outside and make their way in. Garret charges in to what he thinks is a cave of sleeping orcs. An ogre sees him and roars to wake his compatriots. A bloody battle ensues with numerous orcs and a very large ogre. Allen is slain as he fights to protect the party. They are weakened, but successful.   As the party settled in to rest after their grueling battle, Trinn volunteered to keep first watch. Not long in to his watch, he heard a group of footsteps and rumblings in orcish. He rushed to wake his party so they could get the jump on the returning patrol. Upon spotting the party, the 6 orcs rushed in to engage the intruders. Trinn and Marri'Elle were struck with critical strikes by their attackers, and Marri'Elle was downed. Garret used his last healing potion to infuse her with life so she could rejoin the battle. Trinn thunderwaves the nearby orcs away and the revitalized Marri'Elle begins to cut them down while Garret and Valamin support from range.   As the last orc is slain, a tall half-elf cleric charges into the main room of the cave in pursuit of the orcs. He introduces himself as Reginald the Thunder Boomer, hero of Thundertree. Seeing people in need, he heals the party of their wounds and offers to keep watch for them so that they may recover.

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