Northwest faerûn A Stop in Phandalin

A Stop in Phandalin



On their way south, the party makes a short stop in Phandalin.

In Phandalin, Reginald, Trinn, and Valamin head to the Edermath Orchard to give Daran Reidoth's regards. Reginald sticks around to relay the details of their adventures while the others head to the Shrine of Luck to see Sister Garaele. Garret heads straight to the Stonehill Inn while Marri'Elle heads to see Mirna and return her heirloom that they recovered from Thundertree. Trinn informs Sister Garaele that they have cleared Thundertree and that Neverwinter is sending troops to support Phandalin. He heads to the Townmaster's Hall to see Sildar Hallwinter while Valamin stays behind to receive guidance from Sister Garaele about reconciling with his past. Trinn informs Sildar of their success as well as the troops that Neverwinter is sending. The party meets up back at the Stonehill Inn for dinner and then spends the rest of the evening on their own. Garret, Reginald, Marri'Elle sleep in the Edermath Orchard again while Valamin and Trinn sleep behind the Stonehill Inn.

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